A Hot Day

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(The characters and Hotel Deucalion all belong to the author Jessica Townsend. I only own the story idea.)

It was a sunny hot day in Nevermoor. The guests of Hotel Deucalion were either buying ice cream, going to the beach or drinking at the hotels bar. The staff were busy working, while Frank were busy making sure that Hotel Deucalion was doing better than Hotel Aurianna. Morrigan and Hawthorne were standing on the spiral staircase in the Hotel by the rail looking down at the people in the lobby.
-There sure is hot today, isn't it?
Hawthorne asked, fanning his face with his hand.
-You could say that again.
Replied Morrigan, that was resting her arms and head on the railing.
-There sure is ho- Hawthorne was about to repeat himself, but Morrigan cut him off.
-I didn't mean it literally Hawthorne.
She sighed.
-What should we do to cool off?
Hawthorne asked wiping sweat from his forehead.
-You could help out with serving drinks, instead of standing around here watching everyone else work.
Came a voice from behind them.
Morrigan and Hawthorne turned around quickly and saw Fenestra standing behind them.
«Why does this giant cat always have to sneak up on people» Morrigan thought.
-But it's too warm too work.
Hawthorne whined.
-Too bad, go talk to Marta and get to work!
Fenestra ordered.
-Come on Hawthorne, let's go.
Morrigan said, not wanting to argue with her.
They walked down to the bottom of the staircase and saw Marta serving lemonade to a couple of guests.
-Hello Morrigan, Hawthorne. What can I do for you?
Marta asked as they walked over to her.
-Fenestra ordered us to help serving drinks and told us to find you.
Morrigan explained.
-Alright then. You two can go get a pen and a notebook and go to different guests to take their order.
Marta told them.
-Also, make sure to smile and keep calm, even if a guest is rude.
She added as Morrigan and Hawthorne turned around to leave.

(Time skip)

Morrigan was on her way to a group of women with a plate of drinks. Before she got to their table a familiar eyepatched (that's a word) male stood in front of her.
-Hi Morrigan. Didn't think you would be working on a day like this.
Jack said grinning.
-Hello Jack, it's nice to see you too. And it's more like Fenestra made us do it.
Morrigan rolled her eyes.
-What would she do to you if you didn't, put spiders in your bed?
He asked grinning.
Morrigan shivered at the thought.
-We didn't stand around to argue with her. I dragged Hawthorne with me before he could. And frankly, I'm glad I did. I don't think I want to know what Fen would've done.
She said.
Jack chuckled a little.
"His laugh is kind of cute" Morrigan thought. "Wait, did I just think Jack's laugh is cute?" Morrigan felt her face heat up a little.
-Hello earth to Morrigan.
Morrigan snapped back to reality as Jack waved his hand in front of her face.
-Huh? O-oh, s-sorry.
Morrigan apologized.
-What were you thinking about?
Jack asked curiously.
Morrigan felt her face heat up more. She couldn't tell Jack she was thinking about him. What would he think of her?
-N-nothing. I got to get these drinks to those lovely ladies over there. Talk to you later.
She quickly walked past him and over to the table she was serving.
-I'm sorry it took so long ladies, here's your drinks?
Morrigan apologized and put their drinks on the table.
-About time. I was beginning to wonder if I had to go complain to your boss.
One lady said, clearly annoyed about the long wait.
Morrigan laughed nervously and set each of the womens drink on the table. The annoyed lady took her drink started to drink out of her straw. Just as soon as she started drinking she spit it all out in Morrigans face.
She shouted and threw her drink at Morrigan.
-I'm so sorry about that mam. I can get you a new one if you'd like.
Morrigan apologized as calmly as possible. Morrigan wanted to shout back at the lady, but then she remembered what Marta had told her and Hawthorne. "Make sure to smile and keep calm, even if a guest is rude" Marta's words echoed in her head.
The woman was now getting quite hostile. Most of the women with her were looking at Morrigan with disapproving looks on their faces, while the rest of them tried to calm the lady down with no luck. The woman was about to take a glass and throw it at Morrigan, but before she could Jack stepped in between them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2019 ⏰

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