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      People would say I was crazy and that I was ugly and that no one would believe what I have saw before. Ghost ,Paranormal and Demons always got my Interest you know the more you know the more you learn. But somethings you really can't help but feel Why did it all go so wrong and Why did it happened or something like what would've been like if I didn't do that or you get the point. Questions with no answers.

      Well my question was Why did I turn insane from the start. It never came to subject. Got bullied sometimes got pushed around by popular kids for stuff I couldn't control but I always had friends there by my side. Till I snapped and now I would even be luck if I found some survivers.

      You know it really started all when I moved to apartments and I was still getting used to the place. Me being afraid I always stuck to myself because I always Always wanted to be left alone from the people who I knew would turn on me.

         Then I met a boy and we both became... best friends. He would always talk about minecraft or some other game him and my little brother always got along. Then one day he told me about Jeff the killer.

      I asked him Who that was and he showed me a picture and told me to search him up. He said "he would be a creepypasta. You'll have to look on the main creepypasta stream which would be Creepypasta wiki or you could always watch Mr.Creepypasta."

      I wanted to read it so bad. Because my curiosity always gets me into trouble or something.  But then I did not notice... Creepypasta could change my life looking the other way at things. After I read Jeff the killer . I went to go search up more and more because my new interest was finding out how creepypastas really work.  Ticci Toby to Clockwork. Clocky to Blood Painter. Blood painter to puppets and so on.  Before I read any farther from Ben drowned I had to see the fus all about Slenderman, The slenderman is the best game, Slenderman is awesome you get the point.

      Nothing scared me more than the big man himself. It's pretty weird how I actually met him. It wasn't face to Face tho.

       One night I was laying in my bed then for second I thought I could hear voices in my head..They was whispering and saying "You're next You're next the man in the tux is gonna get you for this one kid you're next you're next"  I kept on questioning what I had done wrong. Then the voices say "You're lucky you're lucky he's really not coming."

       Who was this person they was Talking about and Why would he ever come after me? I was sleepy so I went to sleep as usually. 

       Blood was everywhere in my dream. And it was a forest. All I could see was Blood and some organs hanging from a tree. Then someone screamed. "RUN NOW FOR YOU CAN'T HIDE LATER. " so I started to run for my life then I slowed down because what some of the body's were were my best Friends the ones that I Hold so dear to me . Then I started to run faster and Faster.

          But then I tripped over a log and hurt my knee and ankles. I thought it was all a dream something I could escape anytime but this was a Nightmare. A real Nightmare that I could get hurt in for reals.

           Then I saw the big man himself in my dream. My head started pounding and I really wanted to bang my head against the wall till it cracked open. Then some girl that looked like me came outta nowhere . She had red eyes the same hair as me. She was the same size as me. She yelled out "GIVE ME MORE TIME YOU DIDN'T GIVE ME ENOUGH TIME DAMNIT!!"

       Slenderman disappeared and She turn around and looked at me with her Red eyes. "Are you ready?" "R-ready? " "I should give you my name... Dark the Goddess of Nightmares, Night and Darkness. YOU'RE MY NEW VESSEL. And you will help me weather you like it or not." "I-I.... I'm weak I couldn't kill myself how do you t-think I'm gonna kill another?." "Do you think I'm gonna get a weak vessel Nothing and put her on the battlefield of the Creepy monsters that Rome the Night and Nightmares that you humans Have?HA GOOD JOKE SO FUNNY REALLY I AM REALLY AMUSED!!!" ....

         I stepped back in fear because I really didn't want her killing me. Because I was really Suffocating in this Dream. Is she built with Insanity. "good one kid but I'm 130 years old I'm pretty sure I know what the hell I'm doing. You're actually my 12th vessel. And your fear is more Amusing than the Old clowns Jokes and Surgerys on Victims . Trust me It's more than you think to a Job. People Cry beg and ask for mercy but you go in for the Kill or you have the shitty romance thing going on. Everyone for themselves!  No one works with Each other. That means..." She came over and lift my chin up to her face. "I could kill you when I wanted to and you wouldn't have a Say! So don't double cross me or I'll break you like a Damn STICK! Now you'll be my sex slave and my bride to be When you turn 18 you refuse...You die. Slowly. " I nodded my head slowly and Looked into her Eyes. They were demon eyes. And her Smile looked Like jeffs... But she had no cut. Nothing.... like it came Natural. "Now don't go trying to run away from me... No matter Where you are you have a shadow and it follows you everywhere."

           Then I woke up to see the Proxy mark on my walls in Blood and a Mark on my hand. It looked Like the proxy marks on the wall.

     I got ready for school then I looked in my closet... There was a Journal and a knife inside the journal keeping the journals page. It said "IT'S TIME!" I put the book down and Shake my head.

     At school I tried so hard to focus. I tried and tried to think but I had voices Distracting me more the I could hear them. The more I could know who they were. Males and one or two Females voices.I asked to go to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. The mirror turned out bloody and Dark. It scared me...

      I have snapped.  They all took it away. My chance to be normal! my chance to be what I wanted to be in life. Then a girl came in the bathroom and looked at me. Like I was some kinda Monster. Like I didn't belong there with her. She was right. I didn't belong there. So I stabbed her With a pencil. Because neither did she belong here either.I stabbed her until the Blood was all over my hands and shirt. Boy did her Blood Seem tasty and Beautiful.

       Then I walked outside the hallway and Walk outside. Gasoline and matches. What a surprise. Burned them all to the Ground and boy did I love it. The screaming filled me with joy. No stress anymore. No depression. Happiness. Then I started to think About my best friends . What have I done. I ran home and locked my took everything not to laugh. It took everything not to think. Then one day my brothers made fun of me. So I found that knife in the Journal and Took a last good look at me. Moon shining through my window. My posters. My family pictures then I looked at me. The left eye was Red. Gleaming bloody red. The eye color was beautiful. Then I saw my clothes have changed. Into a black hoodie skinny black jeans and Shoes. I decided to cover my left eye seemed like it would work. So what I did was stab my big brother 22 times and my little brother 12 . And what came out of my mouth was "Have sweet Dreams. And lovely nightmares. " then Bolted with my phone out my window.  Found Slenderman and now here I am. With Other victims I think it was best for both world's. See ya later. If you can 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2014 ⏰

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