Birthday Eve

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Hey guys!! This book is going to have realistic one shots some that recent and some older ones. My plan is to write one whenever we get new tea. Enjoy!!!

This first on e takes place on the night before Emma's birthday when fans saw Grayson alone and Emma was sick. 

Ethans POV

We were on our way back from Jersey and Emma's birthday is tomorrow. I felt bad leaving her right before it but she had plans to go to Cabo with Amanda and Olivia so I wouldn't have seen her even if I stayed. The trip home was much needed it helped me relax and take a breath but I was really missing Emma. 

We took a break after my dad passed, it was a mutual decision but it was still hard. We didn't break up and we both didn't date anyone else we just took a few months of not being together 24/7. We both took time away to grow on our own. It was a hard couple months but I think it was necessary for the both of us. 

We still texted we just didn't do any boyfriend girlfriend things like dates or kissing or sex I mean we still hadn't gone that far in our relationship but if we had done it before we would have stopped. In January me and em spent a week together and she started getting more comfortable with that stuff but we never went all the way. 

We got back together in the beginning of April and it has made me so much happier. You forget how much joy someone brings to your life until you are without them. Ahh im so excited to see her tonight.

She never ended up going to Cabo with her friends because she said she had to much work to do, but I think its because she is sick. I asked her and she said it was just a small cold but her snapchat stories say other wise. I wanted to FaceTime her yesterday but she couldn't, I think she just didn't want to show me she was sick. I hate that she never wants anyone to worry about her when I worry about her all the time. Me and gray were both going to surprise her at her apartment tonight and hopefully if she's well enough go and get some food together.

I can't believe she's 18 tomorrow, I also feel a bit bad because all of the fans think we are wait to confirm our relationship until she's 18. That is a huge lie. We honestly are just going to wait until we are both comfortable with sharing it with the world. I am. Emma isn't but she's coming around. 

We finally landed and I text Emma telling her we would be there soon. Much to my dismay she responded saying she wasn't free. That was odd considering I hadn't seen her in a week. I told Gary and he said that I should still go and check in on her, she probably just doesn't want me seeing her sick. 

We decide to drive to her house anyways.

Emmas POV

Ethan just texted saying he is on his was but I honestly am so sick right now that I can't see them. I kinda lied to Ethan about how sick I was and I knew he would feel guilty for not being here this week. I text him back with a lie and try to fall back to sleep. 

I missed him and wanted to more than anything to cuddle and get some comfort but I didn't want to be a burden. 

I hate being sick and living alone I feel so helpless and lonely especially since the twins and my friends were away this week. I'm crying now in frustration and pain. I hate being sick.

I here a knock at the door. I don't get up its probably a neighbour trying to borrow something. Then I here the door open, shit did I forget to lock it. my heart is racing fast but soon I here that beautiful voice.

"Hey em don't worry its just me" Even though I told him to to come I'm glad Ethan still did. 

I hear him walking up the stairs and soon I see him the door of my room and suddenly I remember how I lied to him. he comes and sits on the bed next to me.

"aw em why didn't you tell me you were still sick"

"I'm sorry" was all I could mutter out. I realize Im still crying and he starts rubbing my back slowly.

"baby why did you say you were busy" he asks looking right into my eyes.

I look away ashamed and quietly say "I didn't want you to worry about me and I also lied about not being very sick before" Ethan smiles and sits me up so we are facing each other. 

"em I knew you were lying but I'm not mad, I know you don't want to bother others but I'm your boyfriend and I like asking care of you" I smile he really understood my feelings. 

"thank you" I say. 

he gets up and takes of his shoes then reaches over and touches my forehead.

"em your burning up"

"I know, I took a tylonel but it must have worn off"

"I'll go get you another one where are they" I pointed on my side table. 

He got on out went into the bathroom and fill dup a cup with some water and handed it to me. I swallowed the pill and notice Ethans eyes still on me. 

"what" I say

"nothing its just I feel so bad"

"Ethan don't im fine

"no your not is there anything I can get for you, tea, food anything"

"no I'm good honestly I'm exhausted"

"well I feel bad what can I do"

"Can you just come lie with me"

"of course" he says taking off his pants so he is just in his boxers, im happy he does this because that usually means he will stay the night. He takes of his shirt and clubs into the bed. He reaches his arm around me and I put my head on his chest. I get teary again.

"em whats wrong"

"nothing I've just been really sick and I missed you and this you make me so happy"

"aw baby, I love you so much"

"I love you too e"

Ethans POV

And with that Emma fell fast asleep I look over at the clock and it reads 12:01 I look down at my sleeping beauty.

"happy birthday em" I whisper and kiss her still hot forehead. I then close my eyes feeling at peace with the girl I love the most. 

Hey guys!! hope you liked it! comment below any one shots you would like to see!

vote!! thanks!!

word count: 1140

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2019 ⏰

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