Pixel 1

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"Come on (y/n)! Let's go to the arcade!" Your friend, Latifa says, grabbing your hand and tugging you outside.

"I really don't want to go" you groan, slugging behind her.

"Come on, it'll be fun! Maybe you can finally meet a boy." She says, opening up the car door for you. I don't need a boyfriend, I'm fine on my own you think to yourself

You thought the car ride was going to be silent, but as soon as Latifa turns on her car, Old Town Road by Lil Nas X starts playing through the speakers.

"This is our song! I don't have time to be grumpy!" You shout, pulling your hair into a messy bun with an orange velvet scrunchie as you scream the lyrics.

More and more hits play on the radio as you drive, so it keeps your drive interesting, and soon enough you reach the arcade. "Since you hate the arcade so much, I'll pay for our coins, sound good?"

"Feels good" you giggle, referencing an album from your favorite band.

Latifa shakes her head and rolls her eyes, regretting ever becoming friends with you, but she still loves you.

You open the door to your side of the car, your van clad feet touch the ground in synchronization. "Are you ready? You're taking so long!" Latifa shouts.

"I'm coming, I'm coming, geez louise." You roll your eyes, but stand up from the mustang nonetheless.

Your friend still thinks you're going too slow so she grabs your arm and tugs you inside. "Ouch!" You shout, looking down at the crescent moon shaped indents in your skin before you look up into her purple orbs with hatred.

"I didn't mean to! I'm sorry (y/n)" she frowns, pulling you into her arms.

You sigh, "it's okay, Latifa, everyone makes mistakes." You smiled, placing a chaste kiss onto her wet cheek. "No need to cry"

She sniffles and wipes away her fallen salty tears. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't want to lose you over something so stupid."

"You won't ever leave me I promise" you smile, hugging her tightly.

"I don't mean to ruin the moment, but there's a line, are you guys ready to buy coins?" The guy at the counter asked. He has brown hair that was the length of a mop and the color of a wet dog. The orbs that sat in his face were green and his name tag read 'Harry'. He was a quite attractive lad, he was. But not your type. You were more interested in broad, tall men. Like Donald Trump or Dwanye Johnson.

"Right, sorry" Latifa blushes, wiping away the remaining tears before dragging you to the counter.

Harry snorted, rolling his eyes before he took Latifa's money. Glaring at the girl beside you when he saw that she wedged her number in between the bills. He tossed the paper into the recycling bin. He gave Latifa back the money she didn't own along with 20 coins. Ten for both of you.

"Thank you" she winks, obviously not seeing that Harry recycled the number.

"I'm gay." Harry replies bluntly, making Latifa blush and run off, leaving you to find her.

After about five minutes of searching, you find her hiding in the girls bathroom. "(Y/n)! That was so awkward!" She groaned, her face a bright pink.

You just giggle at your friends misfortune before pulling her back out into the arcade. "He probably forgot about it by now, you should too."

"You're right, do you want to play sugar rush?" Latifa asks, pointing towards the reaching game a bit away from you guys.

You nod and start making you way over to it. "Can we get food after?" You ask, placing your thicc ass down onto the racing bike.

"Yeah" Your friend says and sits down next to you, starting up the game.
20 tokens lasted a while for you two, but you even went back and bought more.

Luckily it wasn't awkward when you guys bought more coins from Harry, the three of you kinda just laughed it off and he ended up giving you his number, hoping the three of you can meet up and go somewhere together.

You only had 2 tokens left, and you decided to spend them on a game called 'Wreck It Ralph'

You step up to the arcade game and rams your hands together, readying yourself to start playing.

You thought you understood the concept, fix anything that's gets broken, but as soon as you started the game, this big hunk came out. It must've been Ralph. He was oh so broad and was as tall as a skyscraper. If he was real, he'd definitely be your man.

You must've got way too excited though, because while you were zoned out from the man, you knocked over your Diet Pepsi.

"Uh oh!" You said, pulling of your maverick sweatshirt to try to dry it off, forgetting that you only had a bra on underneath.

Your hourglass body may have been pretty, but your skin was as dry and flakey as a baked croissant, so you had to pull the sweatshirt back on.

Well what where you supposed to do know? You have nothing to dry it up with and if you ran over to where the food was served, the soda would've soaked in already. You decided to just try to swipe it onto the ground with you hand.

As soon as you placed you hand down into the game machine, you body began to tingle. You started to feel like spider man in Infinity War when he was fading.

You got shocks all over your body, and even though pain was your kink, this didn't feel very good.

You close your eyes and sob until the pain subsided. And it did. You opened your eyes when you felt a bit better but everything around you was pixelated, it was a bunch of different colors merging together. You didn't understand.

You didn't understand until you popped into a different dimension and saw him.

You saw Ralph.

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