I See You

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* Unedited*

Our relationship is two years old, yet, it's as strong as it had been when we started dating. He doesn't have parents, they died in a plane crash when they were returning from their vacation in hawaii. He was 13 years old when it happened. How did i get to know him? Call it coincidence or fate, i don't care. He changed my world from the moment he started talking to me in the class. We sat beside each other and our friendship sparked after the "hi" and "hello" 's. After few months, one day our group decided to play truth or dare. The tip of the bottle pointed at him and he chose dare. 


A friend of mine said, " I dare you to kiss your crush ." My heart raced, not because i was excited, but, because i knew that I'd be hurt when the guy i like would kiss the girl he likes, right in front of my eyes. So, i just lowered my head and fidgeted with my fingers. I ignored his footsteps that were heading towards me, because i didn't want to be on cloud nine by assuming that the girl he liked, was me. I thought he'll just pass by to where she was but, instead, i felt a hand lift my chin, and the next moment ,I felt someone's lips on mine. He was kissing me and after the momentory shock, obviously  i kissed him back. That's how it all started.

*......end of flashback.....*

I am vexed about the fact that my dad doesn't approve of our relationship. He said it on his face that he hates him, but, that didn't stop us from loving each other. Our moments together were always special, all we needed was 'us' and nothing else. The times where he used to chase after me when i pinched him. He hated that the most but, when i was caught by him he would peck my lips using his teeth as a punishment. He lived with his grandparents and worked hard to buy a faded blue truck in which we'd roam around till dawn. 

One day we were roaming on a lonely highway in his truck when we decided that it was time for me to go home. He parked the car on the side of the road, in front of my house. He turned off the engine but, i made no movement to get outside the truck. He looked at me, " What's wrong "

I looked at him and shook my head. I scooted closer to him and he rested his hand on my shoulder and lightly stroked my hair.

I rested my head on his chest," Have you ever thought about the future? "

He thought for a moment and then nodded.

I locked my eyes with his, " What do you see? "

He looked straight, at the road ahead of us ,and smiled, he looked at me ," You..." He kissed my forhead, "I see you"

This made me blush and i trapped his lips with mine. We kissed for a minute or two. We stared at each other and then he asked," What do you see?"

I smiled and quickly got off his truck. I heard him shouting, " Hey! "

I laughed and turned my head. He pouted and i stuck my tongue out and hurriedly went inside the house. Secretly, i saw his truck taking a U-turn to head towards his house and i smiled. I'm in love with this guy, not because of his charming smile, or how he keeps it cool when I'm wasted or how he's goddamn handsome but, it's because noone can replace him. He's natural and he's just , himself.....


Happy moments don't last forever, do they ?

The next day, i got a call from his grandparents that, he's no more. Car accident, and that they were sorry was all that they said on the other line. Time stopped, i dropped my cell phone. I didn't have the strength to see his body, i couldn't. People say, you should move on, but, I couldn't, no, I'm lying to myself, I didn't want to.......

Few days after his death a funeral was set and his coffin was burried where the accident occured. I didn't have the strength to see his grave, it would remind me that he's not there with me in this world anymore where we made promises which can never be fullfiled now.

I hardly ate anything, my body went pale but, i didn't care all i wanted was to sleep and dream about him because that's the only place i'll ever get to meet him. Tears escaped with ease and my days went by....... crying, vomiting and sleeping. I often had a fight with dad accusing him as to why did he always say hurtful words whenver he met him. He wanted him to go away......to disappear and, he surely did. My dad just looked at me with pitiful eyes and so did my friends when i went to school. I always stared at the seat beside me where he used to sit and where we secretly held hands without anyone noticing it. The chits that we used to pass, just for fun........those moments, where are they?

I felt empty, it's as if when he died, he took a part of me that i would never be able to recover again. A month passed by, the world was same, but, not me. I became a cleaning maniac, and i don't know how or why. Maybe, i found this as an escape to keep myself busy.One day, I found the silver ring that he had gifted me on my birthday. It wasn't expensive but, beautiful than any ring in the whole universe. I looked at it and clutched it as if it would disappear the next moment. Overwhelming feeling surged through my body and I abruptly got up and ran outside the house as fast as i can. As soon as i went outside the house, a hallucination was born. To others i was running but, according to the illusion right before my eyes, i was chasing after the blue faded truck and it's owner. I shouldn't have let him go, that day, if only, i had stopped him, he would have been here with me and everything would have been the way it should have been.

I ran after it like my life depended on it and without noticing i reached the spot on the highway where the accident took place. I saw a big jeep clash with his truck. The truck tumbled on the road and i saw him trying to control the truck. Blood splattered everywhere in his truck and finally when it stopped moving, . I saw his hand reach out to me and his blue  eyes met mine.I noticed that the engine had caught fire.My eyes went wide, i screamed and plopped down on the abrasive road. I covered my ears, shut my eyes and screamed out loud " STOP!" i sniffed helplessly and covered my weeping face, " Please stop..."

Silence engulfed me and when i looked at my surrounding everything was peaceful. I looked at my left and my eyes went wide when i saw that there was his grave. My legs started shaking as i drew closer to it. I saw my boyfriend's name written beautifully on the stone. I started crying and my legs couldn't take it anymore. I sat in front of the grave and i reached out to touch the stone with my hand which was shaking.

I closed my eyes, " Remember ? you asked me a question which i didn't answer...I regret not answering it then, and there. " I looked at the stone with teary eyes, " I saw you " I sniffed and lowered my head, " I saw you......"


Author's note

This story is inspired by a song. One must express his/her love before it too late. You never know the twists of life. So, make sure to love and be loved before the time ticks by.........

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2019 ⏰

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