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Hello there,

Firstly I really want to congratulate you for taking the time to read, not because you are reading my book, but because there are so many people out there who talk a good game, but don’t really walk the talk. So many people out there say – I want that great life; I want to achieve this great goal; I have this great dream that I want to turn to reality. But what do they do? Usually nothing. Day after day they don’t really make any progress; they are not investing their time in learning about tools and ideas that can make a real difference in the quality of their lives. So I want to congratulate you because you are the one who does, who takes action versus those who just talk. Readers are leaders.

Let me give a pause here and ask you- Are you ready to read further?

There are infinite number of authors and speakers who make an effort to provide people with tools and strategies that can make a real difference in the quality of their lives. But the question is- What’s the impact? How long is the impact? Few days? Few months? In the long run, that information is either forgotten or partially applied.

“You can take a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink”. I’d like to alter the above metaphor by stating this “I show up with all my help; only and only, when the horse is thirsty and ready to drink”. What do I mean? I mean I show up only when people have a burning desire to change and to breakthrough. I show up when they have the thirst for a better life, when they are looking for answers, when they are asking empowering questions; the reason is simple, unless and until YOU are STRONGLY WILLING to bring that Shift or create Change in your life, whatever I say will be of absolutely no use to you. Read further only if you are looking for MORE and willing to invest your precious minutes.

THIS line is only to give a meaningless pause, just to make sure you are willing to read further. Now that you’ve gifted yourself an opportunity to read about The Life You Deserve, give a pat on your back and read further.

I really feel like I can relate to you, because what you are doing right now (looking for answers, ways to make your life reach next level, exploring tools and strategies) I have been doing this for almost three years. What do I mean? I mean reading about tools, solutions, strategies, meeting people, attending seminars, listening to audio books, reading great leader’s biographies and then applying what I learnt immediately into my life. It all started on a day when I finally got fed up, I finally said “I am not willing to accept and settle for less than I can be, do, give, create, feel or experience in my life”. And when I found that internal passion; a burning desire to be my best, I made that SHIFT in my life and I have never looked back since then.

“To Reach Your Best, you either need Inspiration or Desperation” .

And that’s why the subject of “Personal Mastery” means so much to me and why I am thrilled to share it with people like you. So, yes, I can truly relate to the quest you are in.

Who doesn’t want a better life? Who doesn’t say “yes!” to the superb life that comes on our way?  .

Think about it, there’s a huge difference between merely achieving goals and living the life of passion where you love your career, where you love your family, where you love your friends and people around you, where you look forward to each and every day. Ultimate passion is when you can get to that point where no matter what happens in your life, even when the biggest challenge happens, you grab a hold of it and draw the best out of it where you say to yourself “what can I learn from this? How can I make this better? How can I apply this?”. You find a way to use whatever life gives you, to create a life of even greater meaning.

Is that what most people do? Well, you and I both know that the answer is NO.

I mean everyday you walk around and look around people who are half dead, it makes me sad. There seems to be no joy in their life, no drive in these people; they’re kind of just surviving by settling for so much less than they can be. Maybe many years ago they had great goals, great dreams, great passion and drive for a life of meaning. But what happened to them?  Well, same as what happened to me and may have happened to you at one point of time in life. They had big goals, they had big dreams, they went for it, they were excited and they pushed hard, maybe they even disciplined themselves, maybe they gave their all… and they were DISAPPOINTED or maybe even BETRAYED. I have felt that many times in my life and I’m sure you have as well.

But what do you do with that?  Now that’s what determines whether you develop a passionate life OR the life that you have to constantly make excuses for, settle for less and say  “those people out there are so excited, so passionate, it’s so phony, it’s so fake, it’s just too much of positive thinking, let’s just face facts”.

You see, what happens for a lot of people is that they don’t want to be disappointed anymore, so what they do is they ‘Disassociate’. They start saying “Hey, don’t get your hopes so high”, “Hey don’t get so excited about this stuff come on!I have done this & that and I know it doesn’t work”. They become skeptical, they become pessimistic. But the truth is, when people get skeptical or pessimistic what they are really saying is : “I’m fearful”.

“Skepticism and pessimism is Fear’s attempt to stop Bravery”

They are afraid of being disappointed, of being hurt again. They are afraid of feeling that comes from not winning. They start looking for people who can give them validation for not winning, for not risking loss again, so that they can feel safe about their present which is a temporary feeling.

You know very well that in any sport, if you are going to be victorious you have to be willing to risk that loss, that sense of pain. That pain, maybe the very thing that gives you the drive to move forward and achieve more than you have ever achieved in your life.

If you read the history of great leaders in any sport, business or profession who have come out victorious in spite of adversities that came on their way; it is because of the drive that they were able to draw out of that pain. When failure ripped out their souls, when they felt like somebody had stolen their pride, THAT was the moment when something shifted inside them, they were tired of feeling that way. They utilized that drive and came out with breakthrough results creating the biggest history that you and I now look up to.

One of the best examples is of a great leader who recently left this planet – Nelson Mandela. After spending 27 years of his life in 8 by 7 feet prison cell, when he came out he said “I was on a holiday for 27 years, now let’s think about creating harmony and peace in the world”. What a fantastic attitude in spite of all that he went through. Now that, inspired millions of people all over the world.

No matter what your past is, No matter what your current situation is; you still OWN the power to create that tremendous shift and spring up to THE LIFE YOU DESERVE.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2014 ⏰

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