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It's was a cold winter night, somewhere in November in a small house in the middle of nowhere.
The house contains  of a father, mother and their 2 children, one of 5 years and the other of 3 years. This family isn't just a normal family,as a matter of fact,right now they are packing- well more like taking what's important and leaving everything else behind.
Why you may ask?

Well let me briefly explain it to you. The father; Mr. Parker is a well-known businessman who works with the  IMF - impossible mission force to stop the illegal businesses and drug sellers around the country.
How is this related to any of this?

It's related cause the father made a small slip up on his recent mission and now his family is in grave danger.
Back to the story; they had only a couple of minutes  Before their house was raided.
Thinking they were done, they took their stuff , along with a couple of guns just Incase and went straight for the door. Only a couple of seconds later they saw multiple of cars, around 5 of them.

Then they knew that they were screwed and the only option was to either hide or fight. Mr  and Mrs Parker needed to make a difficult decision and they had to make it fast. They ran back into the house and went down to the basement. Of course they were prepared for a situation like this, they opened the safety room and kissed their baby girls goodbye. They promised they would be back and everything is going to be okay. The girls were crying as they didnt know what was happening or what was about to happen.
Moments later after their parents left, gunshots could be heard all over the house and after about half an hour silence filled the Parker house.

Lexi, the oldest who kind of understood what happened came out of the base, holding Mia, her sister's hand. They both walked up the stairs and down to the living room where it was a mess.

Bullets everywhere, blood all over the place and everything was destroyed. They continue walking around till they came across two familiar bodies. Lexi fell down to the ground next to the bodies while Mia just stood there in shock, still not understanding the situation. They both didn't know what to do or where to go to,

They were homeless and orphans...

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