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Monday morning. My alarm clock woke me up. First day of the week but I feel that laziness will attack me abruptly. But I had no choice. I had to accomplish everything for my major subject, for me not to bruise by our "hermit professor".

I rented a boarding house that is located near the university that I am enrolled at. It's not being a "miser" but I just want to be independent and because of the fact that my family lives in our province.

As i badge my ID card, I almost forgot that our intramural starts on a Monday. Good because I don't have a vagued eyesight so I easily noticed the word "intramurals" hanged on the main entrance of the school. Then, there were the uproars of the students who roamed around and yelled and it gave a stupendous attention.

I'm fond of beauty pageants and is not into sports, so for me, this intramurals will be as usual as my other school days. I'll celebrate it as normal as i have the other week around.

At the corridor, I saw Krizelle, my very best friend ever. She told me to accompany her watch a basketball game at the gymnasium. It was not that tiring day so I easily say yes to her invitation. I didn't know that, that would be the start of something "UNEXPLAINABLE" that could ever happened to me on an intramural.

My peeps likes to shrink as I heard the deafening shrieks of the people watching the game. But as I saw the players, It amazed me to see that they are not men as I expected to be. They are females but with the heart of a man. Yes, they call them too...

Krizelle knows that I can shout out loud. So she asked me to do one of my talents, shouting that doesn't have the need to use an amplifier.

So the game ended. I cheered for the team that no one knows me and so do I. But I enjoyed the thrilling game they had. Then Krizelle proposed if she could introduce me to the star player of the ball game that happens to be her cousin too. And for me it is "fine". Arlene Villegas, but her friends call her IAN for short. I don't know but there are things that seems to be a prodigy that i felt that moment. She really looks like a typical man, though she have mountains on her chest and hands that were softer than mine. What's happening to me? What could this be? I asked myself with sigh..

Ian looked at my eyes differently. At the end of the day, I realized that she was the last unusual thing that had happened to me. Oh my God, but why does it seemed I liked her the first time I saw her?

The next morning, my mobile phone rang and I was surprised who that creature could be. It's only 6 o'clock yet who the hell is giving me a text message at a very early time. "Just wanna say thanks for those loud cheers and a very good morning." I was still sleepy but when I read "by the's IAN". Gosh! How did she got my number? But that isn't important anymore. She texted coz' she remembered. What is this stupidity? Why am I happy?

I don't know how everything jumped to be like this: we are the closest of friends ever. She became my shoulders everytime I needed someone to lean on. She made everything just to make me happy; to make me feel important. That I guess is the reason why I left my boyfriend. Because I am Happier when I'm with her. I had no feelings left for Rino. And he hated me for replacing a lesbian into our relationship. Yes, I admit it. I learned how to appreciate every little thing that Ian did to me. And by that, is it wrong for me to fall for her? I am happy and that's all I know.

The relationship is like those other boy-girl relationships. Sometimes we argued. Sometimes I get pissed off. But most of the time, there were laughs of amusements...never ending talks...

But the hardest part was when my mom and dad knew all about Ian. They told me to leave her. That it is not right. That there were so many boys out ther. That it was just a companionship and is not a relationship. That it should not be like that and stop it or else...

She became cold and so do I. I focused on my studies and for a while forget about the good memories I have for Ian. But I am really detest when I heard Ian is courting another girl in the campus. Is it just like that? Are we that simple? I hated her for that. I really, really do...

Before I leave for a 2year contract in Taiwan, Krizelle gave me a token that bring tears to my eyes. It was a cassette tape but it's not filled with songs but with a letter by Ian herself...telling me that I have a life ahead of me if we'll not be together. That I can fly higher and have the best in life. By then, we still became friends...a very dear friend.

A hug woke me up. It was my husband Jayvee who has just arrived from work. He told me that he saw me holding a jersey shirt of our university intramural back when I was in college. Then I remembered everything...A while ago, my daughter Ingrid Arlian Nice asked me a help of her Christian Living assignment - to where did we got her name.. and i told her..."Baby, you're named after the most importannt friend i ever had and I'll never forget her".


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