Happily ever after.(Larry Stylinson One Shot)

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I wrote this AGES ago, and I wrote it as a chaptered fic, but I edited it abit into a one shot, because I can't handle another chapteered fic, I can't even handle what i've got know...

So, enjoy!


Louis Tomlinson was popular.

He was sexy and funny and, pretty much perfect in everyones eyes.

So while flashing his ID in his tight purple jeans, perfect hair and top showing off pretty much all of his six pack; He was sure he'd pull tonight.

He looked flawless, of course everyone would be all over him?

He walked in, Zayn close behind him and made a beeline for the bar.

He didn't order a drink, he left that to Zayn as he assed the people in the club.

Guy who uses so much hair gel it shines under the lights? Ew.

Girl who's dress is so short you can see her arse? Desperate.

Quiet boy sat on his own, drinking what looked like coke and texting, occasionally looking up? Of course not.

Then someone approached the quiet boy.

The someone was trying to convince him to dance.

The someone was Louis next target.

He had messy curls, falling all over his forehead, which was sweaty from all the dancing.

He was taller than Louis.

WAIT? Why is Zayn walking towards him?

Zayn slid into the booth that the quiet kid was in, and the sexy boy was leaning on, spoke for a few minutes, before slipping out and making his way through the crowd.

Louis eyes followed him until he grabbed a blonde boy from behind, making it clear to the girl that was grinding against blondie to fuck off, and started kissing his neck.

Louis turned back to Curly, grabbing his drink and making his way over.

As he got closer he heard the conversation between quiet kid and Curly.

"No, I don't want to. I'm in a relationship and alcohol makes me do stupid things" Quiet kid said without looking up from his phone.

"Oh for god sake Liam. Have some fun" Curly groaned.

"I'm the designated driver anyway, you want me to get drunk and kill us all? Nope, didn't think so. Now go away" Liam said quickly.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2012 ⏰

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