A mansion that's [literally] to die for (That one Demon AU from the beginning)

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"So" Sam made her presence known as she wiped several cobwebs out of her face. "This is where you've been living?" She trailed beside Luna who seemed to be used to the dust and webs around the mansion. They had decided to meet by the old place in the evening before the sun went down. Sam had been curious as to where Luna had spent the past decade.

"Oh yeah! I've been living here ever since I died with some other kids!" She cheerfully replied. "We all died in different time periods tho so everyone has their different and sometimes weird ways of living. Just so you're prepared."

The huntress nodded.

"HERE YE, Has our most demonic of friends brought a young maiden in our mansion?" A young, chipper, ghost like girl announced. She was wearing a white, button- well not really 'button'- up, drenched in blood blouse and a pair of dirty, yellow tinted suit pants with brown suspenders hanging of the side. Blood was dripping out of her mouth.

"Yeah, she's my friend from when I was alive." Luna replied calmly before turning to Sam. "That's Luan, we share a chamber."

"Much pleased to meet you young lass!"

Luan extended her hand and Sam hesitantly shook it. The ghost took notice and smiled at her.

"I apologize for my oh so disgusting outlook, as it is known being impaled by a pitchfork is not a very pleasant experience." She laughed at herself.

Luna leaned over to Sam and whispered "Prank gone wrong." in her ear.

"And now I can make even BETTER ones!" Luan exclaimed before snapping her fingers and disappearing into the ceiling leaving only the echo of her maniac laughter.

Sam took a deep breath. "Are all of your housemates like this?" She asked.

Luna opened her mouth to say no but was cut off by a voice yelling "LUNA! CATCH!" from another room.

A sharp looking plate came flying toward them at rocket speed. Sam ducked immideatly, dodging the plate. Luna didn't even register the object until it cut her head clean off her shoulders, sending it flying across the room.

"LUNA!" Sam screamed after the head in horror.

"Ah shoot not again. SORRY LUNA!" The voice called.

"No worries! Happens all the time!" The decapitated head yelled as it fell to the floor, crashing into the chandelier and knocking over some lights and candles on the way down. "Ouch. Ow. Fuck. Why. Shit. Ouch. Since do we have so many- ouch- random lights? Ow."

Her body casually walked toward its head which was now lying on the floor. It picked it up and turned it upright before dusting it off and attaching it back on her neck.

Luna fell silent, noticing something was off while facing the Huntress with a thoughtful look.

"Ah, wrong way!" She exclaimed before using her hands to turn her head a full 180 degrees to face the front again.

She looked back at Sam who seemed like she had just seen a ghost. A metaphorical ghost in this case.

"I think I'm gonna vomit." She stated.

Luna shrugged. "Sorry about that, It just happens so often I guess I forgot humans aren't able to just tear their limbs apart."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2019 ⏰

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