Pokemon Center Sleepover

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In Geosenge Town, a storm raged through the dark of the night blowing trees like they were blades of grass and rain thundered down on the roof of the Pokemon center along with a trainer trying to get out of the rain. He ran up to the doors of the center and burst through, drenched from head to toe. As soon as he closed the doors behind himself, Nurse Joy greeted him by handed him a towel. "Oh, you poor thing, get dried and sit down by the other trainers. I'll get you all something to eat."

After taking his hat off and using the towel to dry off his head, he saw three other trainers quietly chatting amongst themselves with their Pokemon sitting out of their balls. Two of the trainers were young boys, probably just starting their journeys. One of which had reddish ginger hair covered by a green cap with a Fennekin sitting on his lap, a Riolu was half asleep against his arm, and a Trapinch happily perched on his hat. The other boy had a bandage on his cheek partially covered by his shaggy blond hair, wore a blue shirt covered in mud along with a Froakie who was desperately trying to clean itself and a Zubat was passed out on his head. The last trainer was a teenage girl about his own age who had her hair pulled back, wise eyes, and was surrounded by a team of fully evolved Pokemon. She was leaning against a Venusaur who had a Talonflame asleep atop its flower and was resting its head against a Lapras, a Delphox was sitting next to her holding a Gardevoir that had a mega stone like earring and had its arm around a Lucario.

When he got close to them, the girl gave a relaxed smile and said, "sit down and get comfortable, this storm's gonna last all night. Call out your Pokemon and introduce yourself."

Uncomfortably, he sat down as he began, "uh, I'm Oscar and I just want to sleep through this storm so I can get to Shalour City first thing in the morning. And I will not be letting my Pokemon out because they are comfortable where they are."

"Nice to meet you, Oscar, I'm Carmen. The kid with the Fennekin is Darryl and the one with the Froakie is Richie."

"Yeah, uh, I think that I'm just gonna get some sleep," he muttered while setting up his sleeping bag.

Carmen shrugged then looked at the younger boys who she asked, "now, where was I?"

The Richie kid, who was waiting anxiously, exclaimed, "you were at the Anistar City gym!"

"Ah, yes!" She laughed and clapped her hands together. "So there we were, just me and Venusaur against Olympia and her Sigilyph. Now, this Sigilyph had already knocked out my Lucario which I should not have put in, don't make that same mistake. Anyway, Sigilyph was going after him with-."

"Him? Who's him?" Oscar interrupted.

She stroked the Pokemon behind her and claimed with an affectionate tone, "him."

That action made him extremely uncomfortable and he was thoroughly convinced that she was insane. After a quick eye roll, he laid down facing away from the others but still listened to the story.

"Back to the story. The Sigilyph was going at him with everything it had and nothing I was doing was working, so I decided to trust Venusaur and let do what he wanted. Next thing I knew that Sigilyph hit the ground and was getting the hp sucked out of it by his leech seed. I felt so proud of him, and her next Pokemon was a Slowking. You can guess how that went. Over with one solar beam, I tell you. But for her last Pokemon I brought out my Lapras. I figured that because water doesn't have a weakness against psychic that it'd go okay. Ice beam to freeze her then body slam. It didn't faint her of course, but-."

"Wait. Who's she?"

"Olympia's Meowstic," she said simply.

"How do you know that it was a she?" He wondered snarkily.

Pokemon Center SleepoverWhere stories live. Discover now