Chapter 1

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Red sighed as he leaned back at his sentry station to look at the caverns roof. He glanced around quickly to see if anyone was close by before he closed his eyes relaxing for a moment. Thanks to a recent decree by the mad king had the guard busier than usual leading to Boss taking it out on Red. With the steady decline of the population due to violence and many monsters succumbing to falling down. Because of this the king decided that the guard needed to be more aware of the various signs of a monster in the process of falling down and how to then help a monster to come back from the edge of falling down. So all of the higher up guard members including Edge and Undyne were then being forced to go through extra training. Laughing quietly to himself, at the thought of Boss trying to understand how falling down worked, Red caught himself scratching at his radius and ulna. With the increased scrutiny of monsters to make sure they didn't fall down, Red had become more paranoid and concerned that his well hidden secrets would soon come to the surface. However with a sharp grin Red shook his head, yeah like Boss would ever know anything about a piece of shit like him. All Boss knew about him was that he was a lazy spec of dust unfit to be on the bottom of his boots let alone to live, and Red was sure that even if Boss did find out that he was basically in a constant state of falling down Boss would wish he would just dust already despite of the recent changes the mad king had made. Nothing would cause Boss to view him in a positive way, and Red himself had lost the ability to care about himself long ago. The only thing keeping him from giving in and falling down always was his own love for his Boss. Not wanting to leave him alone in this harsh underground alone even if Boss treated him like shit on a regular basis. With a sad smile Red leaned forward and followed his head on his arms giving into the desire to close his eyes, heh he might get the shit beat out of him but at least Boss probably wouldn't dust him for sleeping. As Reds eyelights flickered out he thought of his life and how it was beyond broken.

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