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"Jacob! Help!" The girl cried out.

Jacob was holding a stick, standing over a knocked out Pokemon, smacking at a horde of wild ones. "Hang in there, lily!" Jacob yelped as a Pokemon attacked his foot. "I'm trying!"

Lily burst into tears and pokes the ginormous spider-like Pokemon with a tree branch. It bellowed with rage, and lunged at lily, knocking her out cold. She leaned limply against a tree.

Jacob kept walking backwards until he bumped into a tree. The yellow monster turned to him, and he swore that if it could smile, it would be right now. The spider shot a sting as thick as his arm strait towards him.

Jacob yelled, and sprang away in the nick of time. Then he made a dumb move: he threw his stick at one of its eyes. It hissed, then scurried up a tree, into the canopy above. He thought he was safe.

Jacob rushed over to lily, but halfway there, a string the size of a tree shot down. He stumbled and fell back, defenceless and on the ground. Small sticky threads shot down from above, bounding him to the ground. He uses his foot to draw an X in the dirt, then electricity came down the web, and knocked him out.

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