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Beep Beep Beep

"Ugh" I groan sleepily. "Five more minutes, please." I didn't want to attend work today. I was a cashier job at a gas station. It was surprising that they hired a 15-year-old, but anyway, It wasn't so bad, but I still didn't want to go. 

I'm Y/N L/N. I'm an ordinary boy with a very ordinary life. Nothing amazing happens to me. I live with my aunt and uncle. They're okay. I don't have any friends, because I don't trust that many people and I don't go to school. I'm basically home-schooled. Though, I do get along with people well, even the darkest and loneliest people.

I had to do the same routine I do every day. I get up, go and get dressed, make myself breakfast, then go to work. Quiet boring, isn't it?

I looked into my closet to see that my uniform is gone. I totally forgot that I was fired because I got too many complaints from customers for being too young. I sigh in frustration. Now, I have to find another place to work. We were running low on money already. I need to find another job that will accept a 15-year-old.

I was walking around jump city looking for work. I was thinking. "Maybe, at a pizza shop?" I thought to myself. Working as a pizza boy didn't sound good to me. I mean, what would I do? Wait tables? Be a cashier again? Or would I be a garbage boy? Nothing sounded good to me. I might just have to keep looking.

I turned a corner to see a bunch of thugs on the sidewalk. They have weapons on them in the open. The police must be scared of them or something. They were full-blown adults. Though, they looked young. I hurried to cross the street to avoid them, any conflict could cause a scene.

I made it over, I turned around to see that they weren't following me. I slowed down and walked normally. I didn't want to get beaten down, that really would have sucked.

I suddenly felt something poke back. The dark hoarse whispered, "Don't scream or cry for help. We won't hurt you until you give us what we want." The pushed me into a dark and scary alleyway. I was calm, even though I could potentially get harmed or murdered.

"Now, give you everything you have." a young thug said. He sounded as if he wasn't playing around. I went into my pockets and dug for anything valuable, but couldn't find anything. "Sorry, but I don't have anything valuable on me at all."

They all looked at each other with a frown. They turned towards me and had a grin come upon their faces. "Uhh, don't look at me like that. I see why no girls are with you." Because of what I said, they came at me, with their weapons in hand.

The first thug threw a right hook at my face. Fortunately, I was quick enough to dodge. I stepped back. I started analyzing them, there were 6 thugs, 4 had knives, while 2 had guns. This will be really hard to escape. I've never really been in a fight before, so all I have to do is just stall them for a while until a hero comes.

A guy started running at me with a knife aiming of my chest. I sidestepped within a few seconds, I tripped him in the process. He fell over dropping the knife on the ground. "I might actually win this fight," I thought. I turned to the others, one had a gun pointed at me. I tried to move out of the way but was too late.


I was shot in the leg, the pain was intense. "AHHH, WHAT THE HELL!" I screamed in pain.  The started coming over to me and beating me to a pulp. I couldn't do anything, I wasn't strong enough to do anything. Maybe, this was God's way of punishing me.

They finally finished beating me up and made their way out. It was hard to breathe, I crawled to a wall and lean myself on it. I needed to call out to someone for help. 

"H-help!" I tried to call out. My throat hurts, I need to get help somehow.


I looked towards the sound to see a little black cat. He or she was walking over to me while looking directly in my dying eyes. I grinned a bit, "You know, I used to want to be a hero...But, after realizing that I'm gonna die right now...I just know that I was never really meant to be one."

The cat was now next to me. I place my hand on its head to pet it. He or she started purring real cute like. My eyes widened, a black tissue like organism shot out from the black cat to my arm. I started to freak out, with the tissue disappearing into my body.

After a few minutes, of looking over my body. I settled down and started to think things down. 

"It's okay, Y/N, you probably just imagined that. Nothing really happened. They must have struck my head hard." I thought to myself. I felt my body feel better. I stood up and was extremely surprised. "What the?!" How was this possible? 

I didn't question this for long. I had to get home quick. I needed to check up, on my Aunt and Uncle. They might be in trouble.

I ran as quick as I can to the apartment.



I made it and ran up the stairs. I got the key from the under the map and opened the door. I looked inside to see that they were sitting together on the couch watching TV together in each other's arms. 

I sighed in relief. They were alright. I walked inside the house. They turned around to see me. Their eyes widened. "What happened to you!" my aunt asked. They got off the couch and walked to me.

"Nothing happened." I lied.

They narrowed their eyes. "Why are your clothes bloodied up?"

"SHIT! What am I supposed to say?!" I thought to myself.

I began walking to my room, "Nothing happened, Aunt May, Uncle J, nothing did..." Once I got into my room, I fell on my bed face first. This day has been a pain. I just need to sleep.

With that, I fell asleep. I didn't even realize, that the next day, my life had changed from ordinary to a new light.

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