Chapter 27

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In the morning, as we woke up, we grabbed our luggage and head to the airport right away. Once we arrived, we went to deliver our stuff. After that, we sat there waiting for our flight. In all that time, Ethan didn’t show up, which made me really nervous.

Where is he? He said he’ll come! We don’t have much time left here, and he hasn’t shown up yet. Did he change his mind? No, God, please! He can’t do this…

“Marie, what’s wrong?” Sarah cut my private chain of endless questions.

“Huh... What?” I looked at her.

“You look pale. What’s wrong?” She repeated.

“Ah, nothing. It’s probably because I didn’t sleep well.” I reassured her.

“Well, get it together, it’s almost time to go.” She said back.

“He’s here!” Lena called out, making both of us turn around.

It was him. It was Ethan. He finally made it before we leave. I hurried towards him.

“Hey.” I said.

“Hey, am I late?” He replied.

“Yes…we were about to go.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I thought you’re not coming.” I looked up.

“I thought I needed an answer.” He said, similarly.

 I stared at him in the eyes for a few seconds, then smiled and bit my lower lip.

“Yes.” I said, my eyes sparkling.

“Yes what?” He replied, with a ghost of a smile on his lips.

“Yes, I’ll marry you.” I finally said the words.

He took a deep breath, smiled broadly then hugged me on my waist, pulled me up and started rolling.

“Put me down, Ethan. People are watching us.” I whispered.

He put me down after a moment.

“Thank you, Marie. You have no idea how happy I am at this very moment.” He said, looking at me in the eyes.

“Marie, it’s time.” Sarah yelled.

“Do you have to go?” He asked, regretfully.

“Yes, sadly I do.” I answered.

“Wait...” He opened the little box after taking it out of his pocket, took the beautifully designed ring and added, “Allow me!”

I gave him my hand. He put the ring in my finger then kissed my knuckles.

“I love you, Marie. More than I’ve ever loved anyone.” He murmured.

“I love you too, Ethan. I always have and always will.” I whispered.

The people around us started applauding which made us both laugh.

“It’s time for me to go...” I said, and before I got to complete my sentence, he muttered:

“Hush, no goodbyes!”

“This is not goodbye, this is until we meet again…” I hugged him tightly, then joined my friends and head together to the landing field.

A couple of hours later, we were back in our country. We were back to our lives and families. And speaking of families, what will I tell my parents? …Ouch, that is literally something I didn’t think about. ‘Hey mom, hey dad, here I am! I’m back from London…with an engagement ring’? My mom will have a heart attack then. So I have to think of a smooth and smart way to tell them, but right now, I need to rest.

My mom called wanting to make sure I’m back safe and sound. I reassured her and promised to go visit them in the weekend. Telling my parents was another challenge for me, a really big one. But then, I knew that all they wanted is for me to be happy, and my happiness could never be with anyone but Ethan. So, somehow I succeeded to convince them. As for Ethan and I, we kept in touch and talked every day, and each day our love got stronger. A couple of months later, I was done with studies. And I finally got my degree. We celebrated that occasion. I received a lot of presents, but the most precious one was him. Ethan made me a surprise by coming to the graduation party. It was really thrilling to see him. Only then, my joy was complete. It was also a chance for him to meet my parents. At first, it was a little awkward, but soon everything went well. And within a short time, they seemed to like him, which was a really good start.

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