Will he love me back?

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I'm ganna tell you about the story of my life... I feel in love with this hot prince charming! I couldn't stop thinking about him, in class, at home just everywhere.. He was the most popular guy in my school.. You know the one that all the girls fall for... The heartbreaker.. let me tell you when the story all began

I have loved him for over 4 years now and last year my friend though it would be a good idea to ask him if he liked me back... Trust me it didn't go so well.. Do you want to guess what happened? yeah that's right he said he really doesn't like me at all and we all know what that means.. I was crying for hours and hours and hours... It was terrible trust me I still remember that moment where my heart just broke.. But that's not the bad part it gets freaking worst...

I didn't stop texting him but I was so stupid then I will explain to you why... I texted him 15 times cause I just didn't want to wait till he answered. I would say things like "why don't you like me" "please give me a chance" "I love you so much" " why aren't you answering my texts" I know I know it was horrible

It got worst when he answered and told me to shut up or he will block me haha yeah I was just dead then but this story just started that was only last year


reading if your interested!:)

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