Chapter 1: Rob Part 1: Rob

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So there was this banana called Rob. He was a very nice banana. Christina loved him to hell! Rob was a huge banana. He loved cucumbers. Rob loved Christina because Christina loved bananas. She wanted to eat him but he wanted to stay alive. One day Rob was crying because he was afraid of Christina. But then he saw that Christina found a new bae. Rob was relieved and sad, so Katherine and Lauren started to be Robs friend. But Lauren wanted to eat Rob too. So Rob decided to run away to Banana Land, a resort for bananas. Then he found fred and he started dating her. Him and Fred had baby bananas. 1927362527181626261891 baby bananas. They all lived in Banana Land. Happily together till Christina came. Christina attacked Banana Land and ate Fred and their kids but didn't eat Rob.

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