Chapter 1

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In my city you can choose to stay in elementary or go to middle school for 6th grade. Most people stayed in elementary so they could be the ones "running the school"

My friends and I stayed where we were. I ended up getting the best teacher ever, she was laid back and loved Apple products (we took a field trip to the Apple Store) I had a lot of my friends in my class and life was good. Until 3 months after school had started when a new girl transferred. She went to our school in 1st grade. After 1st grade she moved to Texas and now she was back for 6th. YAY! Good for her, soon bad for me.

She was introduced to our little group by one of my friends whom is one of my close friends to this day. That friend whom we will call J.S blames herself for me being bullied by this girl. We shall call the bully K.S. K.S oddly enough had the same last name as me. (Not a common last name) the reason she moved back and forth is because her dad is in the army (that will make things more clear when I talk about her dad later on). So anyways my friend J.S introduced us to K.S. She seemed very shy. And we hadn't talked other than that. She had straight, strawberry blonde hair, freckles, glasses and was a little overweight. (Her skin was as white as the heavens on a snowy day)

My other friend N.J which was my best friend at the time was in the same class as K.S, J.S, and J.V. <.< another friend. While I was in the only other 6th grade class at the school with my two other friends B.Z and G.P. (B.Z is a best friend to this day)

In the next 2 months K.S should get to know N.J and they would become besties. When I look back I don't know how this happened I don't know if I was in a coma or something. Because one day they were strangers to each other and the next they were acting like they were Chip and Dale. Going over to each other's houses every weekend. Soon N.J and I stopped talking and K.S and I started...

One time I invited N.J to my house, she brought K.S along and N.J had to go home and she was going to ask if K.S and I could sleep over. K.S and I were FaceTiming N.J and I said a rude word and N.Js dad overheard. N.J ended up being grounded and we couldn't sleep over. N.J came back, picked up K.S and they had a sleep over -.- wtf. My mom asked K.S before she left if she said bad words. She said no. You guys should know that she said more bad words than me.

Some how she got my number, insta, and kik. Yay again. She started texting and kiking me rude things. Like "bitch" "go die in a hole" "go fuck yourself" etc. I remember one time she said I had herpes. Being in 6th grade I didn't know what that meant. For a while the only ones who knew about the texts were me and her. I thought it would all blow over. But it didn't. The only thing I had at that time was screen shooting her texts for evidence. It got worse and worse.

Soon I told my friends, then I told my mom. My mom told me to ignore her, when that didn't work she told me to delete kik. (I had an old phone that slid up and an iPod.) When the texts kept coming, and she started face timing and calling, my mom contacted the office. (oh yea, the office people don't do shit)

When I went to school and walked up to K.S, the bitch acted like nothing happened. I'm 100% sure I scared the crap out of her. And the bitch acted all sad about missing her dad. Bla bla bla. She also sucks her thumb. Hehe.

Nothing was being done about this so my mom then contacted my teacher (we shall call my teacher M.I) who contacted the other 6th grade teacher (who I will call M.D) who made us talk. Which didn't do anything. If I may add.

Some days my friends and I went in my teachers class room during lunch. One time K.S came in with her friends and started rudely joking to my friend J.S so my teacher said "you will not come into my class room and talk to students that way" she continued ruining my life. Soon everyone in the school knew about K.S and I fighting. Even though she was being the bitch. My mom then contacted K.S's mom who came over to our house and talked with my mom. While K.S was in the car blasting JB and hanging out of her sunroof. Nothing happened still.

Soon she took G.P and J.V(she was still our friend though) away from us too. At one point K.S started bullying J.V, J.V became suicidal and cut. This caused everyone at school to look at J.V like a freak show. That made it worse, she talked openly about killing herself. Soon I became suicidal K.S made me feel worthless. The worst part is that when you have the same last name of your bully, people ask if your sisters. (They were stupid asses why tf would they ask that? They went to school with me for 4 years?) (now that I think about it I should've said "yes she's my sister...the fucked up one you know why you've never seen her because all these years she was in a mental asylum")

There were nights I cried myself to sleep. There were days I was ok and J.V wasn't so she'd send suicidal texts and pics of her crying to me. And there were days I sent those same messages back. There were days I wanted to go up to her and sock her in the face. There was one day I wrote a whole paragraph asking what I did to make her hate me and at the end of that paragraph I was the one saying sorry.


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