Once the toy broke

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The scrim, the scent of my friends's bodys, killed one by one each day for tring to help ours parents by rip a bit of bread from the adults who pas pass every 6 AM and 8 PM for work on the other bord of the jewish ghetto.
On the face of these poeple there was no compasion, there was an express of disgust, just the fact to see ours face was umberrable for a few of them but we continued to peek up the few coins and leftovers falling on the ground but each time the gard saw us, he started fire at us without a warning and each time one of the few we're die.

Today the gard tried to talk to us :

- Hey, ihr Gören, wenn ihr weiter hierher kommt, werden wir nicht darauf warten, dass ihr etwas abholt, wir werden euch sofort töten, wenn wir euch sehen. UNDERSTOOND ?

We looked at him with souless eye what worse could he did to you after he'll killed us go after our family only me and Hashe has one left so. Plus they wouldn't want to slave child who can't work

- Mister, I'm sorry we bothered you but please ! We're not in the way of the passager and we won't cause trouble, can you please allow a little bunch of children like us to stay here and grab falling thing !

A little girl from our group step in whit her broken doll on her arm, she gathered all of the courage she could to stand up like this for all of us in front of armeds mans. She spoke so loud that everyone here knew what were going on...
In front of that little girl who weren't much older than me I feel like I was in front of a hero this gave me a new hope in these years of terrors,

" As long as poeple like her survive, the world can be saved "

- Sighh, I did no wanted to go this far but remember it's because of hypocrisy like her's that the world is in this mess. You'll thanks me in the future for killed you here.

He got on his feet, take his gun and point it in the direction of the little girl.
All I could remember after that was the broken doll, my incredible will of throw up and the schrill sond of gunfire do close to me... I don't know how I make it out alive but Hashe were whit me, in a old mansion creacked from every where, my first clear tought was about his health but he just saved my life when he could has run away...

At night before we slept for the fifth time in this old crumps I decided to talk to him for answer.

- Hey... Hashe .


- I don't know if you're really sleeping or if you do not want to talk to me now but ...

It took me an eternity for finish my sentense but maybe I wanted him to be sleeping while I was talking to him, maybe I would have prefered to never heard what he sayd but we can't change the past...

- ... what happens after that man fired at her I don't remember what heppened and I don't want to bother you whit my foolish question but if it is not to bold of myself to ask... is there anybody else who survived ?

- ... why ?

- hum what? Are you slept talking ?

He straightened up quickly and get his glares into my eye, surprised I get down while he get himself on top of me, he wasn't looking at me whit anger, hate or disgust no his face expresses relief, gratitude and happiness but soon that face got covered by a lot of tears.

- I'm sorry... sob... I I wanted to save you all b-but when I saw you fall in front of him ... I couldn't think I'm sorry... sob I- I I am not a monster please forgive me ... he was about to fire at your head but I-... I took a rock nearby from my feet and I hit his head again and again and again... his body were shaking and when I turn back for us to come with the other... I saw all of them lying on the ground where we were getting food... the crow already started their meal even when some were still alive but you know what ? He raised his head to look at my eyes again. It's that this scene of horror make me feel nothing nor disgust nor scare no what I tought in that moment was " She had never been this beatiful " or you were unconscious whit opens eyes, you were covered by the blood of ours friends, do not had proper meal since at least one week but I couldn't even look at anything else nearby, it is only when I heard a gard talking that I took you on my back and run to here you've slept two days none stop. I was aurais you'll never woke up but even when you came back you did not sayd a single word I were so worried -

- It's okay but don't you think we should come back, mom and dad must be really worried...

I were absolutly not okay but one of us must be taking proper care of us. I just had to over up the trauma whit a string will power, I wanted to protect Hashe whit my life if it was a need like he did but ...

Nothing went like I had planned .


Hello I decided to rewrite this story because wasn't happy of the first shot still I hope you all the luck with that corona and goodbye
Love Aochey

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