silent thoughts ♡

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his brusque movements catch
my attention
the clandestine weight of the world in
his broken smile
small steps stop and his soul escapes
slowly as he emerges

his broken heart bleeds from his eyes
and from the hell we called home we are 30 miles
the dark clouds loom over his inviting smile
and the tears have dried but his heart bleeds blankly

his eyes are tender as they stare out into the skies
his fingers on his mouth, patiently waiting
to speak, to open up pandora's box in which his heart lies

he's too intoxicated to remember
and the stars are still resplendent
with their persistent glow
but he swears he'll love me
he swears we'll be the authors of our destiny

and he's asleep, appearing peacefully
but his heart is bleeding with the world's weight
and my love will fall as evidence
that our broken souls met too little too late.

the moon is slowly falling and
the world is faintly dawning
on what seems to be the salient souls of our past homes.

and my heart will grow silent and his tears will stop falling
because this callous world will not admit its mistake
and we will not fall in line to take
the pain of the world's weight

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2019 ⏰

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