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I arrived at lucas house, excited to see him as I always was. He had told me, early this morning that he wanted to take me into the woods where he liked to chill to calm his mind when things weren't doing so good.

It was late in the evening, Streets were starting to calm down and everywhere was almost silent. As getting ready to head out, Lucas gave me one of his thick, oversized coats to keep me warm, being such the generous guy he was. I looked like a marshmallow with tiny sticks poking out as my arms and legs. As we head down the road to the Graveyard which everyone assumed it to be haunted by the dead, I did not seem so bothered, it wasn't as scary as everyone had pictured it. I thought it was quite peaceful even though hundreds of dead bodies lay beneath us.

jumping over this plank of wood that lead down towards the farmer's fields, where the dairy cows roamed around in summer,
It continued to darken the sun only half visible but along we went, further through the fields. In front of us was the woods Lucas was talking about it looked a little spooky but, through we went. Dirt, brambles and nettles attempted to stop us but we still carry on further. As we got deeper into the forest it became even darker than before the sun barely visible now. I started to get a little anxious but trusted Lucas to look after me. Trying to stay close to him as we walked closer towards the spot he wanted to show me. I start seeing mysterious things lurched around us from a distance, noticing they appear to move each time, So I look away returning to face him to ensure that I am safe, trying to not to show that I am feeling anxious but my words just go all jumbled around him and I feel like I am no longer making any sense. We finally sit on a log that has fallen from an old oak tree, It's quite calm for a second and I try to close my eyes and listen to the river below us, I listen to the sounds of the nature But my anxiety gets the best of me and all I feel like is that we are being watch. "Your going to be okay I promise theres nothing here" He says in his gentle and calm voice.
We see something running past us, excited and scared to see this huge badger running past then towards us. My mind relaxes and I start to joke about what if it comes to attack us. I did get a little frightened not to lie, but I was excited as that was my first time seeing one, Ever.

We stay a little longer untill the sun has disappeared and was no longer to be seen, the sky was pitch black, the only light was that from the starts in the sky and the road lights from a far distance. We stubble our way out of the forest looking for an exist, and find a fence that was a little to high for me but I still attempted to climb it. I try to hide my anxiety once agian as I really do not like the dark much, as you never know what could be around you, I think the only time I really like the dark is when I am lay in my bed at night. I lifted one leg over the fence waiting for Lucas to catch me if I fall. All of a sudden we hear this noise unlike anything we have ever heard before, It sounded demonic but kind of like a little girl screaming for her life we both freeze and I fall half way with half my body still hanging, forgetting I was there for a second. My ancle catches the bar wire and I hurt myself barely but with the shock of the screaming i felt the pain more even though I was numb, It felt like being in a horror movie for a second I couldn't quite recognise what that sound was or where it could have came from, I just wanted to go back to the house. My heart was beating so fast, I tried to calm down and so I grabbed hold onto Lucas hand and let him guide me back to the top of the farmers field where I felt more comfortable walking through back up to the graveyard.

Finally we was back and I was so drained, All wanted was a nice hot shower and to sleep. I didn't want to think about the scream, animal or not it was still scary. It was a scream unlike any other I've heard before, It played over in my mind all night.
Lucas put some music on which made me feel calm, his music is nice especially when he likes to put one of his playlist on, The songs he listens to without words are so peaceful I could just listen to them agian and agian to help me sleep. Feeling safe with his arms covering me holding Me secure I was glad to be back.
This is were i felt the safest when i felt like most of my days were going bad or if something worried me on the day. Just there with him lay beside me is all I needed at the moment of time. I looked at him and smile to myself And started to laugh even though today was terrifying it was still an adventure one that I shared with him. Which most of my memories were favourites from this year. My body relaxed and although I still felt the pain in my leg I didnt care all I just wanted was to sleep. I cleared my head and let myself relax warming my body up against his, I kissed him and closed my eyes.
Both falling into a deep sleep.

I woke up the following morning, lay there processing last night, was it all just a dream or did we really hear that awful scream in the woods. I look at my leg and flinch from the pain I am bruised slightly and has a few small scratches, it really did happen last night, that scream, that awful scream...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2019 ⏰

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