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Talia's POV

Run, the only thought going through my mind other than don't trip, and don't drop her. The three most important things right now. She needs to stay alive, she has to or there is no hope for this broken world. Running the fastest I ever have, I do the one thing I couldn't, I trip. For only a second but that is enough for me to hear the heavy breathing behind me. The pounding of their feet or hooves or whatever is on the creature behind me. 

I know Adonis tried his hardest to fend them off but we are only humans with so much strength. We knew what bringing a child into this world meant, yet we wanted that love and pureness that a child brings. What we didn't know was that our child, conceived of love and born on a full moon was the savior of the world. The world that every single living creature has thought there is no hope of saving. The child that there is a prophecy spoken right from the lips of our mother with her dying breath. 

A child conceived of love  

and born on the full moon,

with hair as white as the snow

and eyes as blue as the sea 

Will be the savior of the broken world.

No one thought it to be true and it wasn't until now, hundreds of years later after the first war. Where I am running with the most precious thing in the world. Looking down at the wide eyes with tears streaming down her chubby cheeks, I don't know how one could do harm to her. I want to stop and stare, to imagine a future, to be there and go through it. But I have no time to think about that. I need to run.

The trees are flying past me, my feet are bound to be torn up and yet I still hear the pounding and breathing behind me. God knows how many creatures are behind me. Looking to the sky, the bright moon and the brilliant stars, I pray for my child's safety. I look to my left and see shadows, to my right the same. I know I will not survive but I just hope I can get her to the safe spot where no supernatural can enter. The sacred place of where or creator, Oma, died. Only the child can pass the barrier, I know this but I do not fear my future.

Feeling the atmosphere change I look around and see all plants have a life about them that lures you. I know I am getting closer, and it pushes me to go faster. 

Jumping over roots and dodging trees, I see an opening in the thick woods and I know that is where she needs to be. I get closer and closer, but I feel their breath now and I can hear their feet as if it were a drum beating in my ear. As I come to the border I reach out with her in my arms. It's like Oma is there grabbing her and taking her to safety. 

Finally, I stop running knowing she will be safe, I feel the teeth bite into my flesh, tearing to my bone. Almost tearing my limb from my body, this feeling over and over. I feel my life draining, but I dont fight it anymore I know my daughter will be safe. I look to the moon and with my last breath whisper my daughters' name.


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