"The Good Parts" - Takao Maruyama (My Forged Wedding)

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Takao had been staying later and later at the law office. When he came home, he always smiled at the sight of your face, but you could see night after night it was more and more forced. He never gave details about what was happening and "Another hard day at the office?" became your greeting as you'd help him out of his jacket. You tried your best to help him relax, hot baths, special meals and drinks, mindless conversations to distract him but they all seemed hollow.

Another night with a stressed Takao putting on a brave face had gone by and you sat up in bed watching him sleep. It was only then that the lines creased in his brow smoothed completely. You passed your hand lightly over his face, slightly disturbing the soft brown tresses that covered his forehead. A soft breath left your nostrils as you grimaced at your sleeping husband. "I wish you would talk to me, Takao," you whispered. "I want to know what's bothering you. I want to know everything about you. I want to share your troubles..." You slid down into bed beside him. "I wish you would open up to me..."

This evening seemed to be Takao's breaking point. He came home on time for the first time in over a month. He didn't announce his arrival, the closing door and his briefcase hitting the floor did. You rushed to the front door to see him leaning back against the door with his head back and eyes squeezed shut, silent.


He raised his hand to stop your greeting and folded his lips, opening his eyes to gaze dully at the ceiling.

You waited. What had happened? He wasn't saying anything, he wasn't moving - he was just... there. Fully dressed and breathing, staring off into space.

You tried again. "Takao," you whispered gently. "Talk to me."

"About what?" he responded in a gravelly voice, finally straightening up from the door and bending down to loose his shoes. "Nothing to talk about."

You started to reach to help but he pulled away, finishing the task faster than you thought possible and excusing himself. You retrieved the briefcase he'd left behind, noting it felt strangely light compared to when you'd handed it to him this morning. Following a bit after him, you watched as he went to the bathroom, trailing his clothes behind him.

You didn't like this silent, distant Takao. He barely even touched you these days beyond your routine kisses each night before bed and when he left for work.

The shower ran while you sat in the bedroom, wondering what you could do. You were worried that stress was pulling Takao away. The oldest of five boys, he was accustomed to handling his troubles on his own, putting himself last in favour of caring for others. He always brushed off his own struggles. Even this past month, he forced that smile and did little things for you to boost your spirits.

You looked down at your hands, opening and closing them, focusing on the familiar feel of your wedding ring on your left hand. He wasn't just the oldest brother anymore, you wanted him to realize. He was married now. He had a partner he'd vowed to share his whole life with, not just the good parts.

The shower had done Takao well, it seemed, as he quickly retrieved his clothing articles from the floor and put them in the hamper. He glanced at himself in the mirror, nodding at the improvement of his features. At least it was over now, he thought with a sigh. Maybe now he could get back on track.

You didn't realized Takao had entered the room until you felt the bed dip with his weight behind you.

"______?" His voice was back to normal now. "Are you ok?"

"...No." Your voice was so small it surprised even you.

Takao was sitting up in a flash, beside you in a heartbeat. "Hey, why are you crying?"

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