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Peter Parker knew from the moment he walked into his sixth period chemistry class something was going to happen. He had no idea if it was good or bad. The hairs standing on the back of his neck screamed bad, but the excited smile and cheerful glint in Mister Harrington's face contradicted that idea entirely.

He spent the entirety of class fidgeting, eyes shifting back and forth rapidly. He went on autopilot, finishing any assigned work and ignoring Flash in favor of keeping a close eye on the surrounding area. His enhanced senses picked up nothing unusual, but he was never too sure.

When the twenty on the clock hit, ten minutes before school ended, Mister Harrington called for everybody's attention.

"As you know," he said, shifting from foot to foot, "the science department plans a special trip for the end of each year. Last year was Oscorp, and the year before was Harvard. This year, however, is special. This year, midtown high received a special opportunity to visit one of the top research facilities this side of the United States. Tourists rarely get the opportunity to enter the building, and even the faculty have extreme security measures." He picked up a stack of white sheets and began distributing them, trying and failing miserably to hide his smile.

It became clear how big a deal it was when the murmuring erupted, starting with a few people before escalating through the entire class. Peter eyed the paper warily as it was handed to him. Then the blood drained from his face.

Printed in fine black letters were five words he never wanted to see in one sentence; Where To: Stark Industry Tower. He swallowed thickly, immediately feeling his mouth become dry.

Ned grabbed his shoulder, vibrating with pure excitement.

"Dude," he hissed, waving the paper, "we're going to the Avengers Compound! How freakin' cool is that?" Peter let out a defeated sigh, sinking down in his seat. It wasn't cool. It wasn't cool at all.

The last thing he needed was to be recognized and put in the spotlight. He hated being the center of attention. And he hated the fact that he could possibly run into one of the Avengers and have the rest of his high-school career ruined for good.

"What's the matter Parker?" Flash's familiar voice filled the boy's ears, sending another spike of dread through him as the taller boy leaned against his table. "Don't want to go? I wonder why?"

"Shut up, Thompson," MJ snapped. The boy paid her no mind, leering eyes locked on Peter.

"Worried we're gonna' find out about you? That you're gonna' get caught up in that little lie of yours? 'Oh, look at me, I'm Tony Stark's personal assistant'." He mimicked Peter's voice, deliberately bringing it an octave higher than even the smaller boy's.

Peter shrunk further in on himself, eyes downcast as he played with the edge of his paper. Flash growled and slapped the table.

"I'm talking to you, Penis! Speak up, are you worried? I know I'm right- you're just a little attention whore, right?" His voice was lowered, the words spitting like venom that began to dissolve Peter's resolve. Licking his trembling lips, he sat up and looked the taller boy in the eye.

"Shut up, Flash. It's real, my internship is real, you're just mad you weren't good enough to be picked for it." MJ snickered while Ned ducked his head, hiding his smile. Flash's lip peeled back in a snarl.

"Watch yourself, loser," he snarled, stepping back. "I'll show the world what you are- a dirty little freak." He stomped away, and Peter let out a shaky breath. Ned squeezed his shoulder encouragingly, and MJ stuck her tongue out at Flash's back.

The bell rang, and Mister Harrington had to shout over the stampede of students, reminding them that their review packets and permission slip were both due next Thursday at the very latest. Peter had a week to find a valid excuse not to show up.

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