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A typical story about a typical situation.

A name? I've been so many people, I don't know who I am right now for sure. I just know I'm me and my name will be Boon? No, that's silly. Bonnie? I mean usually, that's a female name. Oh, wait! At least now I know I'm a boy. So...a name? Hmm. It has to be special and unique, something that sums up who I am. Who am I?
I wake up in a cold sweat. I check my phone for the time. Just two minutes before my alarm. Nice. I try to shake off the feeling of fear and heat and wetness so I just hop in the shower. The cold water runs down my skin and I start to feel cool again. I run a hand over the mirror when I'm done to see one blue eye and one brown eye staring back at me. So that's who I am today?
Gio. Male, 5'6, light tan skin, medium straight hair, he's kinda the "outsider" type, and of course, has different colored eyes. He was always one of my favorites. Except he never liked his eyes so he wore sunglasses most of the time. He lives in California, United States and is a senior in high school. He's not really "known" to a lot of people but he doesn't care. I love him for that.


I grab my sunglasses from my desk and I'm off to school. How is it so sunny so early in the morning? I'm getting to school on time for once. Maybe today is time for a change? Time for a chance? Nah. School is whatever and boring each day. There's never any real surprises or something that keeps me going. I lied there's one thing. Or one person anyway. One of my closest friends. Martin. Surprisingly I haven't known him for long but we connected quickly this year. I put a lot of trust in him but I can't say the same about him. I make it to school and walk straight to my class. No greetings, no "good mornings", no "how are you doings?", and that's okay. I've kind of pride myself in my ability to not talk to lots of people. Less drama. I see Martin. 

"What's up BOON?" he says.
Hmm, sounds familiar...
"Oh my god don't call me that." and we laugh. We sit next to each other and start playing video games on our phones together. Most of the time he has to carry me because I suck. He makes sure to tell me that too. The "GAME OVER" screen appears and I know I'm about to get it.
"Damn BOON! You're trash at this game!" I don't say anything back but look up with a stink eye and he laughs. This is our friendship. Teasing and being rude but he knows I have his back. I think...and I hope he has mines. Other than him I have no one else and that's okay. Gives me more time to think when he's gone. He's gone a lot because he has a girlfriend, Vanessa. I don't have the guts to tell him but she's not good enough for him. She's too controlling and it seems that her girlish charm is already leaving her. And at such a young age. He doesn't even know if he loves her. Love? What a weird concept. Personally, I've never been through it but it seems like an epidemic that leaves people in shambles. Or that's what I see anyways.
Isn't he so wise? Ugh.
Martin leaves with her and I keep to myself. A daily routine that I'm comfortable with.
He's not...or well he doesn't know yet. Poor guy.
When school's over, I walk back home and find myself alone. Parents are never home most of the time. I grab one of my dad's beers from the fridge and drink it while I watch TV. It's honestly disgusting but I like getting drunk. It's pretty fun, well most of the time. A grab my backpack and take out the weed I bought from the dispensary on the way back home. Now, this is something I can say that I actually like. The hot smoke engulfing my lungs and melting my brain is one of the most pleasant experiences for me. I finally take off my glasses from and set them in the counter of the bathroom. I take another hit of the blunt while I watch myself in the mirror. The smoke blocks my vision for a moment but then I meet my eyes. I hate them. I hate myself. I undress completely and take another puff. I put it out on my chest near the other burn scars. I wince with pain for a second but that's it. The day is done and I sleep.
I'm concerned about Gio. Recently he's been acting out and I have no idea why. Well, he is lonely all the time but he has Martin. Maybe next time he should invite Martin for a drink or something. It just makes me so sad to see him like this. Well, that's a problem for another day. Onto the next one

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