Part 1

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Warnings: Oral sex, breath play, slapping, face fucking, cumplay, S/M elements, degrading names.

You were bored. Painfully, woefully, and annoyingly bored. You'd spent the last ten minutes tracing imaginary lines on the ceiling above you, fingers weaving this way and that as you drew art that only you could see. You were laying flat on your back, knees pulled up to let you cross one leg over the other, bouncing consistently in an attempt to keep you from falling asleep due to sheer boredom. You hadn't intended to be so unamused this night, but as your head fell to the side to take in the annoyingly familiar sight of Jungkook glued to his computer screen, you huffed as you remembered that he had chosen to stay in rather than go out for a bite to eat or to catch a movie.

The boys had finished their promoting period just recently and were on a small break between the promotions and a string of concerts in Japan. You'd been thrilled at the break, eager to spend more time with Jungkook as his schedule combined with yours typically left the two of you texting more often than you saw each other. Meet ups were far and few between, the both of you needing to keep your relationship on the down low due to your position as public school teacher and him being part of BTS. Your students would kill you if they ever found out you were sleeping with Jeon Jungkook, the heartthrob of many girls and boys across Korea and the world. Add to that the scorn of netizens? No thanks. This ended up reducing your meet ups to being rare, in secret, and usually at your place.

On the occasion, you were able to sneak over to the boys' place, enjoying immensely Jungkook's luck in winning the single room to himself. You always made sure to interact with the rest of the boys, but your boyfriend was also pretty possessive of your time together. You didn't mind usually, but it did make you feel like you were a teenager again having to sneak around, which, considering you were dating a younger man, didn't help too much. You sighed as you felt the internal monologue of being older than Jungkook start up again. Really, it shouldn't bother you so much, especially as he more often than not was able to make you forget his age.

But it was nights like tonight, where he was glued to his computer, calling out orders and directions to his teammates over the chat, that you felt that old annoyance pop up again.You watched him quietly for a few more moments, laughing as he pumped the air victoriously as his team won the round. You hoped that'd be the last of it, but as he suggested another round you groaned exasperatedly, making him turn to look at you with a quirked brow.


"I'm bored, baby," you said, whining lightly to let him know you were seriously bored.

"Turn on the TV?" You scowled at his suggestion, rolling over onto your stomach to glare at him more effectively, making him shrug. "That's what I would do."

"You told me to come over tonight, Jungkook. I thought it was because you wanted to do something fun, not just for me to sit here and watch you play games."

"And we will! When we finish this round," he shot you a wide grin and winked, continuing with an "I promise!"

"Mhmm. We'll see, baby." He quickly nodded, turning back around to muster his team into moving so they could finish the next game in good time. You decided to give him ten minutes, knowing that these matches could go that quick if they tried, but as the ten-minute mark came and went, and he was still heavily involved with the match, you got fed up. It was either leave him alone and go home or to make your move and make him pay attention to you. You went with the latter, a cheeky grin spreading on your face as you knew exactly what to do.

"Oppa." You made your tone sweet, drawing out the word in a sing-song way that made his shoulders immediately tense. You smirked, knowing quite well how much he hated being called that by older women, and especially from you. You pushed again, propping yourself up on your hands as you cooed over at him, sweetly calling, "Jungkookie oppa!" His head whipped towards you, a glare on his face to match the innocent and confused expression you immediately adopted, shrugging your shoulders.

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