I came from the hot combs and screams of 'ouch' by every touch.
The feisty and sassy Chihuahua that will snap by any means necessary.
Im from the tappings of buttons and zombie groans.
Stalking of parents for they're reaction to PG-13.I'm from beautiful springs and eating of pulm trees
From bike races to street fights with the rumor of 'he said' and 'she said'
The yells and whistles at ice cream trucks awaiting for an arrival
The high adrenaline speed chases that are such a rush after the scared and concerned mail man
The missing animal posters to them arriving back at your door step hoping for a reward 😛My resolve of fighting without reason for the missing lady that showed upon our door step
The screams and bellows of " HALLELUJAH PRAISE THE LORD AND GOD HAVE MERCY UPON THERE SOUL" for the fiery rage of religion. To making sweets for the hospital in the name of the Lord and hoping the best for child's consumed with cancerThat nice and amazing cold air that drops below 32 degrees in the ring of ice
Scrapings of ice to form in to a ball and launch at each other hoping for more fun to commence
While the introverts sit aside asking themselves. "is this what fun is "
To pool days with the womenly couple
Thats been there since day six
And the tradition of gumbo every Christmas that changes me each year creating who I am
Thanks for reading my story until the end
Make sure to comment on any mistakes I have made