Author & Author Interview 5

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Book Interview UnconventionalB

Book Interview UnconventionalB

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(Author & Author questions are answered in the comment section, Our opinions only

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(Author & Author questions are answered in the comment section, Our opinions only.)

So LilFilly_Philly_ , MrsCoraF ,

1. What are your thoughts on the cover, and description summary?

2. How was the introduction?

3. Thoughts on Elisha (without giving too much away)?

4. Thoughts on Natalya?

5. Thoughts on both characters interactions? Thoughts on their personalities?

6. Thoughts on description throughout the story?

7. Overall, what did you think of the story, any advice?

8. What was your take away from this book?

9. What about the pace?

10. Do you ladies have any questions for the author?

11. Words of encouragement to the author?

We would like to thank you for allowing us this opportunity. I must say this was a great interview! If you would like to submit any other books for us to interview, just fill out another Readers Review Request Form (in the Chapter 2 comment section). Select your next book you would like to be interviewed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2019 ⏰

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