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Here I am at the Holy Alter, where I ought to wait for the live of my life to arrive, take our vows ,kiss the life out of her and live happily forever –or at least happily. She is quite the unusual type yet so beautiful. I know her; how her slightly  pale skin glows naturally, how her face turns a bright shade of rosy red which weirdly makes her look like an adorable tomato. She is beauty at her best and no one can challenge that.

I love even more her high pitched laugh echoes  through out the room and how she doesn’t let others break her with their weapons of words and action. She is strong, very  very strong.

The choir starts to sing and I look towards the now open doors of the church waiting patiently to be greeted with that cute smile of hers adorned with a few freckles she is never afraid to flaunt. My instinct and conscience  screamed at me not to expect to see her come through the door in a pretty white dress but I couldn’t help it. The love sick part of me,my heart, held on to the flimsy strands of hope it created that these problem were non-existent.

Through the doors came someone I felt was an Intruder,  an imposter, a woman I hardly one. She had strangely long dark brown hair, olive skin and a curvy petit figure most men found attractive and most women intimidating.

She walks sullenly to the alter gripping the flower too tight, probably hoping she would disappear  if she squeezed hard enough. Her head was covered with an elegant stolen veil and she wore a gown which shouldn’t have been on her today. She stands before me and the music stops. I glare into her eyes trying to somehow convey all the anger hatred and disgust I felt for her. So engrossed in my anger, I hardly noticed when she made her vows until the priest discreetly nodged my arm. I merely recited my vows like a relunctant child would when forced to read yet every word I spoke felt like hot coals being shoved down my throat to settle in my stomach where it burns even more. I could only think of how Taylor might feel -betrayed  I guess. The kissing part was skipped at my request. Why should I seal the vows  I never meant. I felt so overwhelmed, so tired, so lost.

I couldn’t handle the amount of anger I felt. Worse of all who was to blame? The imposter never knew me, talk more of wanting to marry me. Taylor was an equal victim as her. The doctor was sick that day an I, I don’t even know what to say about myself or my position.

I couldn’t wait for the whole wedding service to finish any longer. I abruptly walked  away from the alter to the room backstage leaving behind the whole congregation greeting me goodbye with loud gasps of shock, pity and shame. I looked back only to see tears falling from the eyes of my so called “wife”.

This is my life.


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