The day of the party. Right after she left.

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            Setsuna never felt the jab like pain in her heart before. Ever. Not when her family betrayed her. Leaving her like she was replaceable. She will never be replaceable. But what apparently was easy to replace was this plan. It never was supposed to go off like this. The man 'threatening to kill someone if she didn't sacrifice herself'? Or the screams at the party? Those were planned. But an explosion where she left her 'girlfriend'? Seeing an unconscious Ibara being dragged into the back of a car? It was too much.

          Thats when the rumours started. The anger that boiled at their newer meetings. The cold, distant but soft Setsuna. Now? Everyone assumed she was regretting this. She felt the eyes going through her likes spikes. Everywhere she turned. Walked. Even just sat. They would stare at her like she was an alien. Was she regretting it? Nope. Not even close. What she did regret. Was this 'team.' If you can even call it that. It was a roundup of villains. Ex ones and present ones. Of course there was one man running them all, but everyones goals crashed together likes waves. Her goal was very contrasted from theirs.

           Their goals were swirling with money, fame, power. Setsuna? Just wanted peace. Not that fake crap that the heroes put out. Peace for both sides. One where difference is not shit away like a goddamned door. No, she wanted Difference to flood the street of the powerless. You want 'Peace'? Try some fucking weed you hippie!

        These thoughts ran through her mind like a marathon. Clashing with memories and dreams as if they were having a sword fight. "Heeeey! Sunaaa! They are ready!" Sounded out, snapping her out of her thoughts. The man was still standing there when she walked out. "Well? You gonna fucking sleep there or what? " he skittered off like a bug as she meandered through the grand hallway. Her deep olive green tail (of her coat) swayed menacingly behind her, as she reached the bright white door that housed her 'boss'.

          Her fist rapped against door, "You wanted me sir?" She called out. The door opened, allowing her to be ushered in. " Heh, something like that. Here take a seat. I wanted a job done." She slowly sat down. "And...? " she was studying his face. Trying to see if it was a good job or not. "It can only be done by you. Naturally." She gulped. "Wha...ahem. What do you want sir?" He laughed. Most likely at her formal yet confused expression. "I want many things. But the Main thing is for you to interrogate the prisoners with the mask."

    The way she looked made him laugh again. Her eyes were huge, and her mouth was practically agape. " i thought no one was allowed to touch or even look at the-" The boss shook his head "you are not just anyone. My leading man. Hopefully to be right hand man." He elbowed her arm, smiling greatly.  Nothing was spoken after. Merely a moment of silence before the boss started again. "Now hurry. Even though i'm letting you to use the mask. The same principles are in tact. I don't like waiting. "

Setsuna answered with a small grunt as she got up. "Yes sir. " She ever so quickly made her way out of the cold room. Closing the door behind her. She was still in shock. Using the mask required a huge rank. One that is higher than hers. Was she promoted? She didn't remember any kind of promotion. She shook her head as she made her way towards the spiralling staircase. It was quite ominous at first. Darker colours that made you feel you were walking down willingly to hell. But after a while it just seemed boring. It was also quite a long and spacious staircase that went on forever. Down. Down. Down.

It took or felt like, ten years went by as she eventually got the the bottom of them. "Huh..." was all she could muster before she made her way to the chambers. If the staircase didn't bother you. The chambers should. Dark greys mixed with what looked to be Blood. But she never knew for sure. They were cold. And everything echoed in and outside of the chambers. She grabbed the mask on the hook, outside of the door. Testing it as if it would recant something. "So it does fit... cool."  She slowly slinked into the room, darkness concealing everything except the sound of the bulky door. As Setsuna looked around. She saw four people, with different colours of hair, changed to each other with cloth tied around their mouths. A slight giggle escaped her lips, making every one of the prisoners look up in fear.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2019 ⏰

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