Let's read the word princess 104 times

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Amalia: "UGH! My legs feel like jelly! I can't take another step!"

Yugo: "We're completely lost!"

Evangeline: "And who's fault it that, I wonder?"

Y/n: "Why couldn't we have gotten a normal map instead of this stupid talking one!"

Our heroes were walking through an unknown grassy area, slowly making their way to Oma island with their new talking map. But, they were lost. While everyone was complaining, an odd handkerchief with a crown symbol on it landed at on Percedal's foot. He quickly picked up the cloth and smelled it before speaking.

Percedal: "I wonder who this wonderful and beautiful scent belongs to."

Percedal looked around for a moment, but then a string of "help me"s were heard in the distance. Percedal looked to where the pleas of help were coming from, only to see a decrepit stone tower in the distance with a head of white hair and a golden crown in the window.

?Female Voice?: "Oh! Who will be the Valiant Knight who comes to save a real life princess from her curse? Who will be my Prince Charming? Come to me, Valiant Knight. We shall marry, live happily ever after, and... have lots of children!"

And being the smart individual Percedal is he quickly thought before he acte-


Percedal being the idiot he is, ran full speed towards the obvious trap that was this tower. Once he had gotten to the base of the tower, a long white bundle of hair flew out the window stretching to the ground. Percedal then began climbing up the hair towards the tower's window. While he did this, our other heroes appeared in the scene and watched as the Iop climbed.

Ruel: "That's it, the last drop if intelligence just drooled out of his mouth."

Evangeline: "Ah, men. A bit of makeup, some sweet talk, and they lose their head. They're all the same."

Y/n: "... I can neither agree with nor disprove that statement."

Yugo: "*Sigh* At this rate we're not gonna get to Oma Island any time soon."

Y/n: "We could just leave him?"

Amalia walked over to a sign on the tower covered in vines and moved them aside with her magic, revealing a lot, and I mean a lot of warnings in an unknown language.

Amalia: "Hey, Look! There are real pretty pictures hidden under here. I can't understand them, though. What is this gibberish?"

Y/n: "It's language read and written in pictures that the Osamodas use. "Leave all hope behind. Run for your life. Very grave risk of Death.""

Ruel: "Ah, that explains why there isn't a Soul in sight."

Evangeline: ""And above all, do not enter the Haunted Tower.""

Yugo: "Haunted! We better warn Percedal!"

Y/n: "Or we could leave him to the ghosts?... no? Alright, let's save the idiot."

Percedal continued climbing the very long Solid Snake-esk hair ladder with all his might, but he stopped and looked down, only to see everyone waving their hands and yelling for him to stop... being the idiot that he is...

Percedal: "HA HA! Watch them cheer their hero! Dry your eyes, Beautiful Damsel! Sir Percedal has come to rescue you!"

Percedal then kicked off of the side of the tower, using the hair to swing up the side of the Tower, landing on the window sill.

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