The Beginning of the End

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I was woken up by three hard raps at the door. Groaning, I slid off the bed to greet whomever was at the door at 3am. The person at the door should be ready for my wrath. I swung the door open preparing to scream at whoever was there, until I saw who was standing in the doorway.

There, stood the one and only Dean Winchester, deep circles under his eyes and bed hair. "Hey Alex," smiling painfully at me. Alex has been his nickname for me since we've known each other, apparently Alexandra was too hard to say.

"Hey Dean," I finally spoke. "Long time, no see. How have things been?" He shot me a small smile, but it disappeared just as fast underneath his frown.

"Do you mind if I come in?" He asked. I shook my head no and allowed him in. He walked passed me and sat down on the couch. He set his elbows on his knees and put his head in his hands. It was then I knew something was truly wrong.

"Dean, what's wrong?" I asked while sitting next to him. He sniffled then lifted his head, facing towards me.

"My dad, he died a few weeks ago. He traded his life for mine. I was dying, and he made a deal for me to live. I shouldn't even be here right now." He explains, more tears falling from his eyes. I haven't seen him this vulnerable since his mom died.

I reached up and wrapped my arms around him, placing my head on his shoulder. "Dean, my words probably won't help, but he did this because he loved you. And if you had died and he hadn't, what would've happened with Sam? He never took care of him, now you're still here to protect your brother." I felt him stop shaking.

"Thanks, Alex." He said with a small smile. "You really helped." He sighed. "Anyways, now for the other reason I'm here." He explained to me about the yellow eyed demon and how he had something planned for kids like Sam. Then he told me he needed me to come with him to help find the demon and kill it. I hadn't hunted anything big in years, just the occasional ghost. Now, I was going back. I needed to help Sam and Dean, they were family.

Before I even answered him I stood up and walked to my bedroom and grabbed my suitcase off the top shelf of my closet. I packed as many clothes as I could fit, including bathroom stuff. I also grabbed my pillow, I absolutely hate motel pillows. I wheeled my stuff out to the living room to where Dean was still sitting. He examined everything in my hands.

"So I'm guessing that's a yes?" I nodded and grabbed my leather jacket off the hook and keys from the counter.

"Well let's go then." He chuckled and stood up walking out the front door. We went down to his car and threw my stuff in the back and jumped into the front seat. When we were leaving the parking lot I got into his stash of cassettes and picked out the AC/DC one. I turned it on and we both sang along until I fell asleep with my head on the window.


Well, here we go again. Gonna try to write this the way I intended to in the first place.

Anyway, feel free to leave some feedback, I will try to update and rewrite more frequently this time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2019 ⏰

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