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Cameron's Point of View-

"Eeeek!" I scream. I had just been invited to Playlist Live by my friend Josh. It is basically a huge event where youtubers come and do meet and greets with all of their fans. Now Josh isn't really a big fan of youtube but he knows I am so it means a lot to me.

"Cam! Calm down, it's not for another five months!" He says to me.

"But you don't understand. This is a chance for me to finally meet all of my idols! Tyler Oakley, Troye Sivan, Connor Franta, Grace Helbig, yada yada yada."

"Alright Cameron. Well maybe later we can hangout and get some stuff planned but I have to go somewhere right now so I'll talk to you later. Text me if you need anything."

" Alright, thanks again!" I said hanging up my phone. This is the happiest I have ever been in my whole life. I run downstairs to my mom to let her know.

"Hey honey, what's the problem?" She asks once she sees me.

"What do you mean?" I reply a bit confused.

"Well you yelled a minute ago. I thought that something might have been wrong but I was just going to wait until you decided to come down and tell me."

"Wellllll, Josh just asked me to go to playlist live in May! I can't believe it!"

"Good for you! But lemme want me to talk to his mom to plan everything out huh?"my mom said, crossing her arms.

"Later on he said he might be able to come over to talk about it. So maybe you and his mom can talk then..?"I asked.

"I would love to Cammie." My mom replied.

I ran to her and gave her a big bear hug. I ran upstairs to my room and texted Josh,


To: Josh Smith:)

hey my mom said that when you come over later she is going to help get everything sorted out.


While I waited for him to respond I went on Instagram for a bit. Within a matter of seconds, my phone went off.


From: Josh Smith:)

Okay great! I honestly can't wait! This is going to be the best trip ever. I love doing fun things with my best friend. ;)


I giggle a bit to his reply. That's a bit surprising. Josh was never into this whole YouTube stuff now all of a sudden he is super excited about it? Was it because he was learning to enjoy it? Or was it because we were going together?

Josh and I have been best friends since we were four years old. That means we have known each other for twelve years already. It's kinda crazy to think about it. We did a ton of stuff together since he just lives around the block. Some people think that we are related somehow. I don't see it. Whenever we take family trips, our parents automatically assume that Josh is coming with us. Same for his family. We have had our ups and downs but somehow we always make up. That's what I like most about him. He doesn't take things to heart. He is pretty easy going.

Josh's Point of View-

I can't stop thinking about how excited Cameron was. I was walking through the grocery store with my mom and this was all I can think about. I can't even believe that we got the tickets. We got two tickets for playlist but since we aren't legal adults yet, we still have to have someone come with us. It was only 5 months away! We will probably leave middle of April so we can get down there and relax and go to different places in Florida. It was a pretty long flight though, since we lived in Montana.

The sound of my mom humming made me lose track of my thoughts.

"Mom, I was just wondering, so you know how we have to bring an adult with us to Orlando." I say.

"Yes." She says, like she already knew what I was going to say next.

"Well when will Dad be home from his trip?" I asked.

"In about a month and a half." She states.

"Alrighty, thanks." I say to end the conversation. My dad had to go on a business trip for his work. And he is the fun kind of dad that will pretty much let you do anything as long as he knows what's going on. So if me and Cam wanted to do something, we could do it alone and not have a parent tailing us the whole time. Plus, when we will be there, it will be Cameron's birthday and I want to do something nice for her since she is my best friend. Maybe go out to the movies, go to the beach, have a nice dinner, or something along those lines.

My mom and I got to the checkout line and I got relieved because I couldn't stand anymore "Would you like this? Or this? What about this?" I CANT STAND IT!

We walked out to the car and put the groceries in and left. Sitting there in the silence made me start thinking about Cam again. I haven't really told anyone yet but she might be a little bit more than a friend to me...

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