Eyeless Jack X Reader (Lemon)

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( Hello everyone this is my first lemon I hope you all enjoy this)

You awaited for your parents to leave the house,for there date night it happened to be there anniversary and they wanted to stay at a hotel for their special day.
This made you actually happy that you get to be all alone well not all alone you been sneaking a boy inside your home for a while now, his name was Jack or to say Eyeless Jack. you know he had stalked you for a while and you dint mind since you too where also attracted by him as well...
Later when it was time for your parents to leave they had quickly kissed you and gave you a big bear hug before leaving you alone.

You quickly ran up the flight of stairs to your bedroom opening the windiw sitting and awaiting for Ej to enter inside as always...this time though it would be diffrent you wished to confront him of your exact feelings that you held deeply within you.

You say there your eyes glowing with determination, Later after five minutes past by Which finally arrived hoping onto your bed his black eye sockets that dripped ooz looked at you as he gave a big hug later after looking up and down on you.

you felt embarrassed at how he looked at you blushing a deep shade of pink, Ej looked at you thinking how Damn cute you looked when blushing... You grabed his face with your delacit hands and said shyly " E-Ej I..I like a lot in fact I just down right in love with you" He spoke his grey rough hand now placed upon you're cheek" I love you to and there is something I thought we could try tonight if your good with it" you tilted your head.

" sure we can try whatever your thinking right now" he smirked ubder tge mask as he pulled it off revealing his face he had sharp vampire like teeth and a long slithering dark purple tongue.

You blushed as his face leaned close to you're's, as his lips caved with your lips you both began to kiss softly smacking your lips at each others he then gently bit you're bottom lip as you shivered with a small moan...

Jack then slithered his tongue within you're mouth as your tongues magled together, both pulling away as saliva drips from you're tongues, Your face become super hot as Jack pinned you down to the bed slowly having his weight come on to you as he started licking and biting down your neck along with sucking on it " J-Jack" you moaned squirming a bit unsure what to do you knew you now wanted him despretly but you where nerves as well since your a virgin and never had fucked before...

Ej glared at you, as your eyed meeted his he kissed you again, you kissing back as his right arm held you close and his left arm slithering up you nightgown.

You blushed and gasped at his cold touch his hand meeting at your bare breast his figures twirling and pinching as his hand squeezed at your soft tinder breasts.

He smiled at your moans as they begane to grow slightly louder then expected, he then asked " do you want me badly (Y/N) ?" You nodded " yes I want you badly I want you to fuck me Jack " he grinned happily enjoyed what you said your face blushing entirely a deeper shade of red...

He started to yank his black wool hoodie revealing his broader muscular toned body figure, you dint expect his body to br so fucking sexy but hey you loved it for sure. He then yanked you're gown away only to reveal you're (Breast Size) cup breasts.

He smiled as he leaned his face at you're right breast suckling at it gently as you gasped in trembling moans your back arching at the good vibes deep with you, he turned his other hand to rub at his hard boner to ease his eagerness to slam his member into your soaking wet pussy.

He then started to yank his pants off as he went for you're other breast sucking and nubbling down hard leaving hicc's all around it. Once they had came over as he slowly stood up you could see his member despretly poking out his boxers whole. You then wanted control pushing him down and sliding your hand down his black skulled bixers rubing it at his hard erected member he moaned out your name " (Y/N) A-AHH" he shivered you could feel a deep preasure within your whom you wanted it so bad as you sorta rub your legs together your wet fluids soak your pink laced panties...

He snickers but then soon was shocked as you pulled his underwear down, revealing his 7inch dick that was 4inch thick.
You lowered your head down slowly licking the tip of his hard stoned dick, then swirling your tongue all around it as he moaned shivering in pleasure and begging for you to suck him hard. You smiled teasing him more kissibg and nibnling softly as well as licking more till finally you knew he could not take it anymore you finally lapsed your mouth around it bobbing your head fast. He moaned screaming your name out, as he held your head gently yanking at your hair.

As you kept sucking faster and faster he screamed out " Imma cum (Y/N) his seed finally released into your mouth it tasted sweet yet milky and bitter you loved its flavor infact u wanted to taste more.

He then pushed you down kissing you and then lowering himself as his teeth yank your soaked panties down, he then licked your clit as you moaned softly he then shifted his toungue within your whom you gasped yelling as he chuckled mawling at your pussy you felt the sensation at its perk but he stoped making you poat at him cause u never got to finish in his mouth..

He then twirled you back having your ads facr him " are you ready ? " you wimpered " Y-yeah" he slowly slammed it in it hurt for a few seconds then pleasure built in within you as his ball sack slapped at your thighs fucking you harder faster grinding in at your g spot making you scream to the heavens above you.

You never felt something so good as he kept fucking you, your cavern started to tighten and release his dick feeling the warm of your liquids as it had dripped down your thighs and his dick he then pulled out.

The sex party was not over yet though you tied him to the bed and started to shove his dick inside your pussy with your breasts in his face you slide his member up and down inside you both trembling and screaming in massive pleasure as you can feel him and you both cave into a orgasm, fucking him faster as you made him enter deeply cumminh with an your sore still wet cavern...

You where still not done you then untied him he then ties you next to the railing of the bed frame as your ass struck up he shoved his dick in it thrusting and slapping your ass, as you moan intensely. he kept gojng and going as he finally cam inside your anus..

He untied you and the finally has now started , you may down pulling his dick at your breast then squeezing them together his dick in between your boobs, he then starts to titty fuck you grunting and screaming you loved the look on his face then finally he screamed dromaticly, as him squirted all over your breast and face he smiled licking it over and then pulling you closely togetger as you both pass out from all the heavy fucking you did now no longer a virgin of marry...

The End I Hope You Guys Enjoyed !!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2019 ⏰

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