"Starting point"

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Nicki: Doesn't everything make sense now! We figured out he was the reason our mom died!

Nicki says as she throws her glass on the hard floor. She holds on to the table and looks at her brother.

Nicki: If I hear one more word about him I swear I will kill you.

She then turns around and walks away to her room. Tom knew his sister couldn't handle these types of situation. He slams his fist on the table and sits down on the chair behind him.

Tom: Screw this! He wasn't even the reason.

Tom looked around for Chris his twin. Chris popped up in front of his desk and  and smiles knowing he probably scared his younger twin.

Chris: Haha got cha!

Tom stumbles back on his chair and sighs. Chris realized he was upset about something. He closes his eyes and starts reading Tom's head. For some reason he was still thinking about the past. Chris then opens his eyes and nods slowly.

Chris: Nicki found out that Josh ki-

He yells and pushes the desk towards Chris with full strength and closes his hands in fists.

Chris: look, I don't want to talk about this.  Just leave me alone.

Chris says while walking back towards his room. Tom looks around the house and chuckles.

Tom: I remember when this place was still peaceful.
The 4 of us playing cards...

He scoffs and gets up mumbling-

Tom: Stupid old days...Stupid old family.

Tom then teleports out of the house with gas and pours it all over the balcony.

Tom: Good luck dear siblings on your journey- What ever you do..you cant stop me.

He smirks and lights up a match and throws it where he poured the gas. Soon, the whole house was starting to burn down in flames.

To be continued....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2019 ⏰

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