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I was already frustrated and helpless
But she had to tell me she can see a big pimple in the middle of my forehead
Then pull me in for a hug
I love hugs
But I couldn't stand to be close to someone who had irritated me
She had irritated me
She laughed loudly in my ear which had hurt me
So I pushed her away needing to breath and calm down
She looked at me then started pushing my step dad out of the way to work on what he was working on
Then she had said 'I learned, I won't make the mistake again'
She wasn't talking about our previous argument
Or the 'big pimple in the middle of my forehead'
It was the hug
All I needed was to calm down before I blew up on her
I've been agitated and inpatient with her since I've gotten here
I've lost my temper countless times, when she talks about my father
I hide it though
Im not used to this interaction with people
I lost control by pushing her away
She's guarded with me now
She won't give me a hug now
Because I'm an idiot stupid child who'd lost her temper to her mother
For something stupid
I couldn't control my anger anymore
I've been holding it for a week
Now I want to brake down
Take a look at the darkness just to escape

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