When Did We Fall Out of Love?

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When did we fall out of love?

When did the sparks disappear?

What happened to the red string?

Our love for one another is gone now, isn't it? Just like that. In the blink of an eye, we lost are path. Our once conjoined hands have become cold. Just like our gazes, no longer filled with love and appreciation, but instead just blank.


My first love. You taught me how to love. And then you broke my heart.

If only I knew that I'd be once again by myself with tears in my eyes I wouldn't have loved you so much.

I thought you belonged to me and I to you. What can I do? I just liked being with you. Loved it. The way we basked in each other's presence in silence because we were so comfortable with each other words weren't necessary.

But that's over now. Isn't it?

Though I reach my hand over, your not there to take it. I'm such a fool.

l cant sleep. Everything is different now, the bed is no longer warm with our body warmth. The flowers on the windowsill have now withered, the life in them just slowly dissapeared.

This loop that I'm stuck in has left its scar on me. My world keeps stopping whenever your not here, as if there is no tomorrow and the pain wont cease. Under the same moon, we'll be spending the night in different beds. It's all so different.

when will I forget?

When will it stop hurting?

How much more pain will I have to endure till I'm left empty?

The promise to be together forever

It's broken.

But I'll try to be okay.

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