The break up

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I was backstage after a McFLY concert waiting for the boys to come through "hey Grace" said Danny
"hey Danny hey boys" I reply with the biggest grin on my face Danny has been my best friend since like forever "hey" said Dougie "everyone this is my boyfriend Edward" "hey" "hi erm would you be able to direct me to the bathroom"Edward said " yeah down the hall turn left then it's the third door on the right" Harry replied "thanks"

Once he left I heard his phone vibrate in his coat pocket (I was wearing his coat) it was text from his ex girlfriend Lexi: hey can't wait to see u tonight love u xx I drop his phone and burst out crying the boys all asked me what was wrong and I told them what he had done after I had finished they all hugged me when Edward walked back in and Danny started shouting at him "what's wrong with you, you broke her heart once and then you do it again" "what are you on about" "this" I say picking his phone up and chucking it at him "it's not what it looks like" "then what is it eh and don't give me the bullshit your ex-girlfriend text you saying I can't wait to see you tonight I love you kiss kiss" "im sorry" "just piss off" "I'll thik it would be best if you just leave" Danny said "and what are you going to do about it you think your all hard but you're just a pathetic idiot" "actually you know what fuck this I was only with her cause she was a good fuck" Edward adds on "that's it" Danny says as he rams him into the wall then punching him square in the nose as Harry and Tom get security.

Danny stands hugging me for a while when a sudden realisation hits me "what am I going to do the flat is his all my stuff is there and I couldn't bare to go back there" "you can stay at the band house with us you don't mind do you boys" Danny says "course not" all the boys reply "you sure" "Absolutely" they all reply "then yes"

We go back to my house and colect my things and drive to the boys house "we're here" "where shall I put my stuff" I ask " I'll put them upstairs for you in the guest bedroom" Danny says picking them up "okay thanks" "so what do you want to do" Dougie asked going in to the living room "ohhhh please can we have a disney marathon I'm begging you" I pleaded "you're as bad as Tom with the disney addiction but yeah sure" Danny says walking back into the room. We spent all night watching disney films until we all eventually fall asleep.

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