The Rainbow Factory ( horror and a little bit of love)

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One day in Cloudsdale, Scootaloo does the pegasus flight test. She passes along with some other pegasi. They win a tour at the Rainbow Factory. A bus arrives to them. They board the bus and head to the Rainbow Factory.  The bus arrives at the Rainbow Factory and the little pegasi get off. They go into the factory. Waiting for them is a purple and yellow pegasus wearing what would be similar to what Willy Wonka would wear. The pegasus says, " Welcome little ones, to the Rainbow Factory! Here, you will see how rainbows are made! " The pegasus leads them to where the rainbows are made. The little pegasi tremble in fear as they enter. They see blood and dead ponies. They see the robots that chop the guts and bones up. They try to run away, but suddenly, a blue pegasi with a multicolored mane stops them before they escape. Scootaloo recognized the pegasus. It was her sister, Rainbow Dash.  She was shocked. How could her own sister work at such a place like this? Rainbow Dash said, " Scootaloo,  I never thought you would know this. I kept it a secret for a long, long time and well, now you know what I do. I didn't want you to know because I thought you would be afraid of me. Hate me. I thought you would never want to be my sister anymore." Scootaloo said, " Rainbow Dash... I... I don't know what to say. " Rainbow Dash ordered a robot to get one of the pegasi. The robot grabbed a brown and red pegasus. He squirmed and screamed,  " HELP ME! PLEASE! AHHH!!! " The robot put the pegasus into a machine. It locked his hooves into cuffs. The young pegasus couldn't move. Suddenly, a syringe connected to the machine came down and pointed at the pegasus and then stabs him and sucks the color and magic out of him. The machine stops and the young pegasus's head drops. Two robots take the colorless pegasus and puts him on a conveyer belt. The pegasus's eyes open a little. He grabs onto the edge of the wall of the conveyer belt. Rainbow Dash pops up and throws his hooves back onto the belt. The pegasus falls into a hole and gets smashed by the machine. Rainbow smiles as the pegasus gets killed. She goes over to Scootaloo. " Hey Scoots, who is my favorite little sis? You are, but not anymore. I won't even HAVE a sister once I get rid of... YOU! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Scootaloo screams in fear then runs. Rainbow Dash says, " YOU CAN RUN, BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE! GUARDS! GET HER!" The guards chase after Scootaloo. After a while, they catch her. They bring her to Rainbow. " See? I told you. You can never run from me or hide. He he he. You will become my assistant, Scootaloo. Once I put you in a trance." She smiles evily. She tells a nearby unicorn to use a hypnosis spell on  Scootaloo. The unicorn uses the spell on the helpless, young pegasus. Scootaloo goes into a trance. She says, " Master Rainbow Dash,  I am at your service." Rainbow smiles. Rainbow says, " Oh Scootaloo.  You will forever be my assistant. I order you to get those little pegasi and put them in the machine one at a time." Scootaloo does as she was asked and smiles. Rainbow tells a pegasus that he is in charge. Rainbow flys home and lies in bed watching tv then falls asleep. The Rainbow Factory closes for the night and all of the workers go home and all the robots get shut down. Everything was over for the night. Everything except for one thing, Scootaloo was still in the factory. She fell asleep in Rainbows office. The two sisters dreamed about the factory. They dreamed about each other being killed. They both awoke. They realized that they didnt want to kill anymore ponies. They wanted to spend time together. They didnt want to be insane ponies. They wanted to be together forever. So, Scootaloo went to Rainbow's house. She went inside and found her sister watching tv and... crying. Rainbow looked to see her sister standing before her. She hugged her and said, " Oh Scootaloo,  I don't ever want to work at the factory ever again. I want to spend time with you." Scootaloo said," Okay. I love you Rainbow Dash." Rainbow felt warm inside. She never felt like this before. She hugged her again and said, " I love you too Scoots." The two pegasi went onto Rainbows bed and slept together. They both knew they were the perfect sisters. The end.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2014 ⏰

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