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FIVE YEAR OLD corbyn clutched onto his mother, tears streaming down his cheeks as he buried his face in her skirt.
"baby, please," saskia whispered as she bent over to talk to him. "you don't want to make new friends?"
"no, i wanna go with you!"
he was drawing the attention of the many mothers nearby, as well as a few of his new classmates.
"you can't come with me, sweetheart, you have to let mana go. i have to go to work. don't you want new toys?"
corbyn nodded into her leg, sniffling.
"well if you want mama to be able to buy you new toys you have to let go."
"daddy can buy me toys!"
saskia sighed.
"we'll go get you a new toy after school if you just try to make a friend today."
corbyn tilted his head up to look at her with wide eyes. she never made promises as exciting as that.
"i pinkie promise."
she extended her smallest finger to her son, which he linked with his own.
"good. mama loves you, i'll see you after school."
she brushed corbyn's hair off of his forehead in order to plant a kiss there.
corbyn removed himself from his mother and blinked up at her.
"you can go in, baby."
he took a small and tentative step towards the open door of the classroom, bumping into the legs of someone else.
he glanced up, greeted by a woman with a short haircut, something like his dad's.
he frowned as he turned back to his mom and waved.
"bye, mama."
his voice was no louder than a whisper.
he turned, walked into the classroom and past the woman and planted himself in a corner of the room.
the longer he sat there, the more his missed his mom.
tears were again streaming down his cheeks when someone sat down across from him.
"why are you sad?"
he looked up at the boy and wiped his face.
"i'm not sad." his voice was garbled with his tears.
"you're crying though."
corbyn scowled at the boy; he was a know-it-all.
"you're sad. my mommy says when you cry, you're sad."
"your mama's wrong, i'm not sad." corbyn made a point by crossing his arms over his chest.
the boy grinned at him.
"my name's jonah. do you wanna be friends with me?"
"now," the smile dropped from jonah's face as he said this. "since we're friends now, you gotta tell me why you were sad."
"i wasn't."
"lying is bad... uh, what's your name?"
"corbyn– with a y."
"lying is bad, corbyn, my daddy said it."
"fine. i miss my mama."
"oh," jonah frowned. "well if you're having fun you won't miss your mommy." 
"i don't have no one to have fun with."
"me!" jonah shouted excitedly, pulling corbyn up by his hand.
he dragged the boy to his desk.
"sit there." he pointed to the one beside his own.
for the first time since he'd woken up at 6:57 that morning, corbyn smiled.
when their teacher– whose name they'd learned was mrs. alexis– let them out for recess, corbyn and jonah were basically glued together.
they repetitively went down the slide in the fifteen minutes they had outside, giggling hysterically each time.
"class!" mrs. alexis called from the middle of the blacktop. "it's time to go back inside!"
corbyn and jonah shared a look before racing each other to get in line.
when corbyn beat jonah, he stuck his tongue out at the boy.
"i let you win."
"i still win."
when dismissal time came around, corbyn turned to jonah.
"jo jo," he grabbed his shoulder. "are you my best friend?" 
jonah nodded enthusiastically.
"yeah! are you my best friend?"
"good. bye bye jonah."
corbyn split ways with jonah, running to his mother, who lifted him into her arms.
"hey, baby. did you make a friend today?"
the small blonde boy nodded.
"his name's jonah m-m– his name's jonah." he pointed at jonah across the sidewalk, who was holding his father's hand and talking a million miles an hour.
saskia smiled and kissed her son's cheek.
"i missed you today, baby."
"i missed you more, mama."

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