𝙨 𝙩 𝙤 𝙧 𝙢 𝙨

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the sound of thunder rumbled throughout the entire building. jisung layed, curled up in his bed, hands covering his ears, and eyes squeezed shut.

he was shaking. he hated thunderstorms. ever since he was a little kid, thunderstorms scared the life out of him. the loud booms of thunder, the crackles of lightning. it was all too much for him to handle.

jisungs breathing was heavy. he could feel the tears pricking the corners of his eyes as he tried to block out the loud sounds of the storm.

just then, he heard the door creak. a shadowy figure walked in the room, slowly closing the door.

jisung knew exactly who it was. he had always come to the younger's room during thunderstorms, knowing that he wouldn't be okay unless he was there.

chans light footsteps sounded around the room. jisung sighed and felt the bed dip from the sudden weight in one area.

"you okay?" chan whispered. he knew all too well that jisung hated thunderstorms. he hated the loud rumbling and the bright flashes of light.

jisung shook his head no. he shuffled over to one side of the bed to make space for chan to lay down.

chan tucked himself under the covers and wrapped an arm around jisungs waist.

the younger snuggled closer to chan, breathing in his scent of vanilla mixed with cologne.

chan had just gotten back from a late night at the studio. he wouldn't have told jisung to go home alone if he had known that there was going to be this bad of a thunderstorm that night.

the elder pulled jisung in closer to him, tightening his grip to make sure the younger knew he wasn't leaving him.

he had always been insecure about that. one of jisungs biggest fears was being left behind by the people he loved the most. being tossed aside by people he cared about. but chan was always there to make sure he was okay. chan was always there to hold him at night. he would always reassure the younger that everything would be okay. that he would never leave his side. and it was true. chan hadn't left jisung. they went through it all. through thick and thin.

jisung looked up at the blond, sighing in content. he was always there to make him feel better.

"thank you." the brunet whispered into the darkness. he knew chan wasn't asleep yet. he was still awake to make sure that jisung was okay.

"for what?"

"being here. with me. even when you don't have to be. you could have easily just gone to bed. but you're here with me. so thank you." jisung explained.

chan looked down at the boy clinging to him. it was the cutest thing he had ever seen. and he lived with yang jeongin.

"sungie, you know i'd never leave you alone. and it's not only because you want me to stay. i want to stay. i stay because i love you."

had he heard that right? no way. that wasn't possible. chan couldn't feel the same way. could he?

jisung stared at chan straight in the eyes. he saw the fond look that the aussie gave all of the members but this look was different. there was another emotion hidden in those eyes that could only be seen when the blond looked at jisung.

love. he loves me? he loves me. bang chan loves me.

jisung leaned up and closed the gap between the two. he was finally kissing bang chan and he was kissing him back.

they parted and stared at each other, foreheads connected. chan chuckled. he looked at jisung with the brightest smile the brunet had ever seen.

"say it again." jisung grinned.

"i love you."


"i love you."

"slowly this time."

chan laughed. "i. love. you."

"one more time?"

"god, i love you."

"once more? for me?"



"you're lucky i love you."

"last time. come on, please?"

"jesus christ, sungie, i love you so much, but sometimes you're really annoying."

"you love me for it though." the younger giggled.

"yes, yes i do love you for it. and you love me too."

"you're right."

chan tutted. "that's not gonna cut it. i'm going to need to hear you say it."

"seriously?" jisung whined.

chan gave him a look.

"fine." the brunet grumbled.

"i love you. there happy?" he mumbled.

"i'm sorry, what was that?" the aussie teased.

"i love you." he said a little louder with a small smile on his face.

"a little louder?"

"i love you." jisung was fully giggling now, forgetting what time of the night it was.

"once more? for me?" chan mimicked jisung from earlier.

"i. love. you!" at this point, jisung had practically yelled the three words. but he didn't care. when he was with chan, it was like everything else just disappeared.

both of them were laughing, curled up together in a twin bed, limbs tangled with each other, hands intertwined.

they spent the whole night giggling, kissing each other, and just enjoying each other's presence.

they had both fallen asleep by dawn, completely forgetting about the storms going on outside.

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