part 1

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someone is kissing my neck while i move my hands up and down his abs. i have no idea who this guy is but right i don't care i need something to take my mind off things and if it is partying and one night stands so be it. so your probably wondering who i am, im abby scherer im 19 i turn 20 in two weeks. i went to this huge house party, there was a bunch of youtubers so im guessing it was a youtubers party. i start the night while taking shots and drinking strait liquor, i end up talking to this guy who said he just broke up with his girlfriend so he decided to come here to get his mind off it. later in the night we started kissing and one thing led to another, he said his house was across the street so we went over there and that's how i ended up here. he started kissing lower and lower until he got to my thighs, you can imagine the rest. i woke up and i check my phone, surprised i still have it i assumed i lost it at the party. it was 3:08, i woke up the person next to me. "hey i was sleeping". " i can see that, well I'm leaving and i thought it be rude for me to just get up and leave and not tell you". "stay I'll make you breakfast in the morning". "i would but mu dog has to be fed and i love him more than anything so sorry". "I get i love my dog too, i didn't catch your name". "abby, yours". "elton". (i promise is a colby brock story just wait) . "well I'll see you around elton". "see ya". i walk out of the house i kinda recognizes it but i mean I'm rlly tired and it could be a house i went to a party at. i get back to my empty apartment well besides my dog thunder he was a rescue dog so i don't know the breed . i don't even try and clean up i just go to my bed and attempt to sleep away the hangover.

i wake up to barking. "thunder shhhh i have a head ache". I look over and he is barking at emily s door. " she's not there bud". he keeps scratching the door so i open it. memories begin to flood my mind and i begin to tear up. i whisper " why emily why leave me here alone". I snap out of it when thunder runs by me. he starts to sniffs everything like he usually does when he is in here. your probably wondering who emily is and  she was my old roommate but she wasn't just my roommate she was a my best friend my sister. she killed her self a month and a half ago i never talk about that day because it was my fault it was all my fault. i close the door I go to my fridge and grab a bottle of bourbon and pour myself a glass. then my brother walks in without knocking. " abby hey". "hey corey". "abby it's way to be early to be drinking". "it takes all the pain away corey, i don't want to feel it". he comes and hugs me. "now abby stop fucking drinking im sick of it your killing yourself, you stay up late you party then you come back home go to sleep and then just start drinking, you haven't posted on YouTube in over a month or any social media actually all your friends and fans are worried about you after emily". "i know corey i know I'll stop". "didnt you say that last week and the week before that, i know it was only a month ago but you have your life ahead of you, she would want you to live it to the fullest". "ok ok i got it". "no i don't think you do, your moving in with me ". "What the fuck corey i am not". "ABBY WE ALREADY LOST SOMONE IM NOT LOSING YOU TO". he was in tears. "ok" i said softly. i would put up more of a fight but i had a major head ache and i won't be here for much longer."the other roommates said it was ok they don't know much about you so they don't know about emily it will be a good environment for you". " ok I'll get my things help me pack". " ok hurry i don't want to be here all day".

this is my first story so don't hate on me i think it's pretty good so far don't mind my grammar or spelling mistakes


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2019 ⏰

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