Piper and Reyna - More then enemies (Slight Smut I guess)

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Hey guys, I hope you enjoy this shipping one shot! I worked hard on it and would love it if you let me know how I did. If you do, thanks!

Also, I do not own any of the Percy Jackson characters or settings.




Everyone knew that Piper was supposed to hate Reyna and that it was supposed to be vise versa. The reason for this being because they liked the same man. Jason Grace. Well, it turns out that this is all wrong.

A large party was currently being held at Camp Jupiter as a celebration for winning the war against Gaea. All of the seven were there including Nico and Thalia, seeing as she couldn't pass up a weekend with her friends at a party.

Everyone was running around, laughing and having a great time. They were all talking with their friends, enjoying the food and drinks as well as the music that was playing loud enough to be heard almost all throughout the center of Camp, which was where everyone was at.

Thalia was talking with Jason and some Roman, Nico was standing off to the side, watching everyone though he watched Hazel a little more closely. Hazel had her arms wrapped around Franks waist as they drank some punch while they talked to each other about Gods knows what and Percy and Annabeth were making out while leaving against the wall of a nearby building.

While all the others were out having fun with their friends and making out with their lovers, two people that should have been having a great time, were standing around watching. Piper and Reyna. Piper was standing next to a table that held some snacks, watching Jason to seem like she was intrested, and she didn't hide the fact that she was eyeing him.

Reyna stood not to far off, watching Piper as she bit her lip slightly, clearly aware of the fact that Piper was checking Jason out. After a moment, Reyna couldn't stand to watch Piper checking out Jason any longer and decided at she would walk over and make it known. Even if it was only for show. Reyna walked over to where Piper was sitting, a unhappy look on her face as she stepped right in front of the girl to get her attention. She had a plan in mind and if things went right then she would be able to get Piper alone.

"Hey, I'd like it if you kept your eyes to yourself. You know that I have my eyes on Jason, so openly eyeing him would not be the best idea." Reyna practically growled as she looked at the girl. Piper moved her eyes from Jason to look into Reyna's before moving them to look over the girl's body. Reyna bit her lip slightly before allowing her own eyes to trail over Pipers curvy body before looking back into her eyes.

"Well, seeing as you were too busy standing over there making eyes at me, I figured that he was fair game. Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to get back to the view" Piper said while still holding that same smirk on her face. This, clearly didn't make Reyna happy.

When Piper made a move to gently push Reyna aside, Reyna quickly moved her hand and grabbed ahold of Piper's wrist. Just as Reyna was getting ready to say something, Annabeth was standing by their side. Annabeth had a hand on each of the girl's shoulders, clearly wanting to keep anything from happening between the two of them. Glancing around Piper could see that Hazel was watching all three of them carefully and suspected the she was the one who had went and pulled Annabeth away from Percy.

"Why don't you two take this little argument somewhere else? The last thing that we need is something to happen and ruin the fun." Annabeth told the two girls, lightly pushing them away from each other. Reyna huffed slightly before walking off towards her own room, giving Piper a once over before she could no longer see the girl. Piper gave her some time before telling Piper that she was going to try and talk to her, soon starting to follow after Reyna.

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