A Day in the Life of King Knight

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Well, hello there. I am the legendary and most regal King Knight, ruler of Pridemoor Keep, and this is just one of the many repetitive days I go through just about every day of my life.

As soon as I wake up, I groom my hair, and shave my beard while I shower. After that, it's off and away to make sure all of my loyal subjects are wide awake by blasting off my wonderful trumpets, scattered along with many servants around the kingdom to blow them and wake everyone who needs to be woken up. They know my strict morning schedule, and though they are not the king, that's me, they WILL follow my wake up time.

After waking all of the sleeping subjects, I check on the Griffons, making sure that they are well groomed, just as my hair is. If they are, I then feed them, and make sure they are fit to defend the castle. It not, I order some servants to groom them for me so I can continue with my schedule with no consequences.

Once the Griffons are well and healthy, I have my breakfast served to me in a beautiful, fabulous fashion. Piles of waffles and pancakes made by some of the best bakers in the land, beer well made by the best beer-makers in the kingdom, fruits of all sorts picked fresh for me not by me, and a large banquet of meats and breads. Sounds appitizing, does it not? Trust me, it is~. 'Tis great to live a life of luxury~!

After my breakfast comes a simple period of relaxation, as well as a few ceremonies every now and then to make chosen people become my loyal knight defenders. Other ceremonies are for me, to show my loyal subjects that I simply adore them, and they should adore me in return.

Then comes lunch, just as delicious as breakfast. But of course, there were different courses, and even a glorious desert of my choice~!

After lunch passes, it's now three 'o clock or so in the afternoon, and that is a time to relax again. This is pure luxury, pure, beautiful luxury! The life of a king is great -- and that's why I CRAVED to life it. I got my wish, didn't I?

After more relaxation of reading time and playing around with the Griffons, it's time for the final meal of the day: dinner. Delicious, lustful dinner.

Chicken, turkey, boar, fish, vegetables of all sorts, fruits as well, barrels of beer, the juice maids bringing you any kind of juice you wished, and so many beautiful, tasty deserts.

By now, it would be past sunset. My Griffons; asleep. The knights guarding my land would be fast asleep in their own quarters with an exception of chosen ones that were to guard the castle at night, of course. My servants would be either asleep or doing as I say and bringing me what I wish.

Around ten 'o clock or ten-thirty every night, I would order there to be a fresh cup of warm milk next to my bed, which would've been made and cleaned minutes after I woke up, and I would change into a silk pair of pants as well as a shirt, put my crown on the desk next to my bed where the milk glass would be, and in minutes after curling up in the fluffy, cotton sheets...I would be fast asleep.

It's a simple day, indeed it is. But I'd assume it's at least fifty times better than your day, isn't it? Yes. I'm right. I'm not wrong. ...No, I'm NOT. ...Well screw you too, then!

{ ...all I have to say here is that this was made out of complete boredom...but I will make this into a series for the hell of it! FUCK YEAH! ...alright, bye, see you in the next part. ~Ze Awesome Kiki }

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2014 ⏰

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