The escape

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"Ashlynn pack your bag now!" Jasmine runs into the room we share, throwing a bag to me. It seems urgent enough, but we've ran away so many times that this could be the smallest thing. I nod, packing my bag.

"What is it this time?" I groan, lifting my bag as we head out the window and down the fire escape.

"They're gonna kill us, I swear Ashlynn, just keep running." She points ahead of us, gesturing for me to keep running.

"What did you do?" I shake my head at my sister. Our parents are abusive, and they honestly get so angry over the littlest things.

"They found our youtube, they found it! we have to leave for good"

I nod, feeling a lump in my throat. were going to die. oh lord, no. were going to die. This is one thing I know they would never approve of. Oh why. Oh god. I don't wanna die. why did we have to disobey them?

"Ashlynn! calm down, you can't do this. not today. no panic attacks right now, we have to get away!" Jasmine grabs my hand, dragging me along with her.

I nod, focusing on matching the rythm of my feet with hers, trusting her to guide us to safety until I ultimately collapsed.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I wake up to the sun in my eyes, laying in the dirt, surrounded by trees, jasmine by my side. Oh yeah, we ran away. shit, this is for real this time.

"Jasmine, wake up" I shake her awake, wanting to ask where we are.

"huh..?" She looks around until she remembers the whole running away thing.

"where are we?" I look up and around, to see nothing but a highway.

"I dont know, I just ran."

Whaa? Really jasmine. You just ran. -.- how dare you.

I stand up, heading to the road so I can see if there's anything around, nothing but a house about 2 blocks or so away? Why is there a house there, just out a bit from the highway?

"Looks like were going there." I point the the house, walking across the abandoned highway.

"Ashlynn! They could be creeps!" My sister calls after me

"Well, they can't be as bad as going home." I shrug, continuing when I hear he footsteps behind me.

*Ding dong*  I hear footsteps come towards the door as soon as I ring the doorbell, I suddenly get very scared, but feel quite safe once I realize that Jasmine is still here with me. together, we can do just about anything to be honest.

"Hello?" A guy behind the door, obviously not very much older than us, yells through the door. this was a bad idea. we can still run. I turn and try to run away, but Jasmine grabs my arm, stopping me, as she answers the guy.

"Hi.. uhmm. we uhh-" her voice breaks before she can even ask him for anything, and she doesnt continue.

'I'm Ashlynn, this is my sister Jasmine. we had to.. uh.. run away, can we just have some water or something?"

"Wait, your not a fan?" the guy questions us, not seeming to beleive what I previously said.

"A fan of who?"

The guy opens the door, reveiling himself and a bunch of other guys in the room behind him.

I have to admit, they are all very attractive. I mean, whoah.

 "Whoah.. what happened to your face?" The guy who opened the door to us suddenly looks concerned, why does he care?

"Our parents.. uh-theyre bad people." I sum it up, it's not something easy for me to talk about.

"Matt stop being a dumbass and let the girls in" An asian kid walks into the door frame, pushing the blonde aside. "Are you guys okay?" The tall asian pulls Jasmine and I into the house, shutting the door behind us. "What happened?"

the rest of the boys in the house pile into the small room where we stood, and I began a head count. 1,2,3,4,5, 6,7,8,9... bruh.

"I uhm.. our parents are just.. bad people" I nod my head, closing the conversation because it makes me un comfortable.

"what did they-" The blond, Matt, begins but The asian cuts him off.

"She obviously doesnt want to talk about it dumby. They ran away, probably for a good reason, end of story" The asian mumbles to the rest of them before turning to us completely "Do you have anywhere to go, any family, friends?"

"Well.. No, but we'll find somewhere to go" Jasmine smiles at the tall asian in front of us.

"Oooor, you could stay with us?" He smiles, lookig from me to her "yeah, I like that idea"

"we couldnt impose" I begin, only to have Jasmine stomp on my foot non-chalantly before pulling a smile and begining her own sentence

"we have nowhere else to go." She mumbles before speaking loud enough for the boys to hear "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, ofcourse" both of the 2 boys who have been speaking say simotaniously.

 "okay.." I nod hesitantly, theres alot of guys living here, is it actually safe?

"Hey, I'm Nash" one of the many boys steps foward. Hes tall, white, and has blue eyes. his hair is brown and has blonde in it. uhh wow.

"Ashlynn" I smile weakly, I am really tired.

"You look tired" the boy, Nash, laughs at me, shaking his head.

"Here, I'll go get you some clothes, yeah?" Matt, the blonde who answered the door, steps into the conversation.

"A girl lives here?" I havent seen any girls..

"No, actually no... I was thinking some of my basket ball shorts and a t-shirt? you're pretty small so they'll be big but.. yeah" He scratches the back of his neck, laughing nervously.

"I have clothes.." I look down at my bag, which is soaked from the rain last night, "I guess I dont actually... can I still borrow some?"

"Of course, follow me" He smiles down at me, grabbing my hand as he leads me up the stairs and through the hallways until we reach his room. He steps in, grabbing a black pair of basketball shorts, and a t-shirt. "here" He tosses me the clothes.

"can i.. uh.. borrow some socks?" I look down at my feet sheepishly.

"yeah" He shrugs, tossing me a matching pair of elite socks, and a bandana to match "i uh.. figured you'd wanna tie your hair back.."

"Thanks.. wheres your shower?"

"here, use my bathroom, nobody will walk in on you in here" he points to a door on the other side of his room, and I nod

He begins to leave the room, but I stop him "can you uh... maybe stay here? i get scared alone.... nevermind, thats to weird.." I ramble, not wanting to be alone.

"No, its fine. You've been through alot, of course I'll stay." He smiles comfortingly, plopping on his bed and opening netlfix. my type of guy (; shut up ashlynn. hes out of your limit.

I quikly take my shower, pulling on his basket ball shorts, t-shirt and socks. Then I brush my hair quikly before tying it back with the bandana he gave me. He's pretty skinny himself, and they were still big and baggy on me. not my finest hour..

I walk out into his room to be greated by a huge smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2014 ⏰

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