Tag 1

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Tagged by The_girlwholived

1. Would you tag an eighteen year old at the age you are now?
I'm sixteen and eighteen years of age isn't too far off so yeah I guess so.

2. Would you ever smile at a stranger?
Well. Yes if I'm trying to make the situation polite or pfff less awkward, but all in all - no.

3. What exactly are you wearing right now?
A white t-shirt with a simple design of graffiti in black and some brown shorts.

4. How often do you listen to music?
I'm listening to it rn.

5. Are you a social or antisocial person?
Antisocial. I'm trying to work on coming out of my shell but hey.

6. Do you care if people talk badly about you?
Yes, I tend to overthink easily and I freak out a bit when someone shows the slightest bit of dislike in me.
Side note: I have classmates who actually don't care about what others think. They just simply ignore people's opinions of them and I always ask them why and their response is just 'Just don't overthink about people. You're not gonna see them in college.' Yeah that helps.

7. When was the last time you cried?
Watching the Walking Dead Game season 4 episode 4 playthrough, when Clem got bit.  smh I shouldn't even be crying but I just did.

8. Is there someone you'd do absolutely anything for?

9. Have you ever wanted something you couldn't have?

10. Do you replay things that have happened in your head?
Always, yeah

11. Is your life anything like it was two years ago?
Life for me is basically the same.  Friends, school, family etc. The only thing that changed throughout these two years are my locker number.

12. Have you ever cried over a person?
Haha, they weren't worth it at all aswell.

13. How do you look right now?
Tired, sleepy. Hair is a mess and just want to get this done.

14. If you could change your eye colour, would you?
Nahhh, I have dark brown eyes and they match my skin and hair. I'll just look weird af if they were another colour. Brown eye colours are superior.

ehh ill tag anyone who wants to do it

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