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Jennie's had her eye on the girl for a while.

It's hard not to - that golden hair, bright eyes that could probably sparkle like in those cartoons... there's just something about her that draws Jennie in, but she can't exactly pinpoint it. Also, she's cute.

Nothing's going to happen between them, though. They go to a catholic school. So it's likely Rosè is straight and thinks homosexuality is a sin. Great.

She tells herself that, but her heart is stubborn and refuses to give in. Ugh. Love is stupid.


Her best friend is Lisa. She makes the school bearable. They both don't really care about God, so it works out.

They're walking to their next class, and in front of them happens to be Rosè, so Jennie is zoning out of Lisa's blabbering and staring at the back of Rosè's head. You know, like a weirdo.

'Rosè's hair looks really soft. I wouldn't mind running my hand through it'

Next thing she knows, she's not staring at the back of Rosè's head anymore; but rather, her ass. Jennie's eyes widen at the realisation, but she can't tear her eyes away. Rosè must've tripped and her skirt flew up because of it.

(They're pretty short in this school. If Jennie's totally honest, shes thankful for that. Oh ew she sounds like a creep)

Jennie vaguely hears Lisa next to her, probably telling her to help Rosè up. but she's paralyzed. 'thats a cute butt' she thinks.

'Fucking shit, Jennie! You useless lesbian!!' and Lisa proceeds to hit her with the bible she's carrying, before rushing over to help Rosè, saying 'are you okay?' and 'sorry for my language just now'

While Lisa does that, Jennie is recovering, face totally red and her soul probably ascending.

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