The Daemons are Calling

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 A man with gray hair and a medium-length gray beard stood on a ridge overlooking a highly populated and violent battlefield. He narrowed his gaze as he surveyed the area with a solemn air. He sighed and shook his head. His gray robes with their blue trim ruffled as he adjusted his stance. He waved his hand and a portal opened up behind him. He turned and before absconding through the portal, took one last look at the field of battle. "High Noon. Looks like we really will need to call on the Horsemen after all" he sighed before disappearing through the oval shaped ring of shimmering, opaque blue light.

Inside an energetic military camp several soldiers were relaxing drinking ale around a wooden table, exchanging stories happily. Only one of them abstained from the jolly consumption of alcohol. He had a mug filled with plain water. He was a bit removed from the rest of the group, mentally no physically. He was sitting at the table surrounded by his comrades, but where others were laughing happily, he was grimly looking down at the table, sipping his water. He looked to be thinking hard about something. An older man burst into the room in full plate armor. He looked to be in his fifties. The other men quieted down immediately and awaited his instruction. He wasted no time with his serious demeanor.

"Get you shit together! You're being deployed! The frontline is collapsing, and they need the vanguard to cover their retreat! Move, now!" He shouted. His words were dire. The men scrambled to their equipment lockers and equipped their armor in a half drunken stupor. The frontline was a three-hour ride, they would have time to sober up. The solemn man drinking water was slower than the others. He stood up, taking his time and moved deliberately over to his locker. The older man addressed him.

"Commander, make sure your men don't fall over and get themselves hurt, we need everyone at their best" He commanded before leaving.

"Will do Colonel. You heard him guys" he said casually. His men acknowledged him with some grunts. The colonel was long gone now. The commander was opening his locker when a small pouch fell out. He scrambled to pick it up and tenderly placed it carefully back in its place, looking worried. He sighed lightly as he grabbed his plate armor. He and his men were suited up within half an hour. His men were taking their time as they were a little drunk. None of them were expecting another deployment so soon. They had just gotten back last night.

"Hey, Hardwell. Where's your sword?" one of the commander's men asked. His men were more sobered up now and standing ready.

"Damn, must have left it back in the barracks. I'll get it soon" He replied. He seemed pretty friendly with his men, as if they were more a group of friends that a commander and his subordinates. Commander was securing his helmet as he walked out of the armory. He headed towards the barracks and found his sword resting peacefully in his bed.

"Alright buddy, nap time's over, more blood needs to be spilled, so I hope you're thirsty" he grinned clasping his sword in his right hand by the middle of the scabbard. He made his way to the lounge, where his men always met before a deployment. The lounge tent wasn't too far. He arrived shortly and found himself alone. His men must be taking their time. He secured the last bits of his armor, tightening straps and making sure everything was ready, when a young girl came in. She looked like a servant. She was wearing a black dress with white trim, similar to what a maid would wear. She looked around 17. Commander Hardwell looked about 22 years old. The girl entered the tent calmly but when she noticed the commander, she looked nervous. She approached him in a sort of huddled state, as if trying to shrink away from his sight.

"C-commander. I, wasn't expecting to see you here. I'm glad I ran into you though. Here's your tea" she handed him a flask filled with a dark green liquid. Her voice was quiet and fragile. She had pretty, long brown hair. It was braided and hung down in the front, stopping at her breast. She didn't look scared of him, more like she was really shy and nervous. She was quite pretty as well. A fine, narrow face with well-defined feminine features. Her best feature was her beautiful, sparkling green eyes, the commander thought as he took the flask from her.

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