The Man in the Black Robe

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The Man in the Black Robe

Casey Blue was on her way to school for today was her birthday and she was going to pass out cupcakes to her class. Along the way she came across a man wearing a black robe. He stared at her from across the street for as long as she was in sight. When Casey asked her friends Ginger and Fawn about the mysterious man, they both replied that they could not see such a person. For the following weeks Casey saw the man everywhere she went and noticed that only she could see him. Casey told her parents of the man and they both grew worried. Casey had outgrown imaginary friends years before after they had ordered her to. Her parents knew she did not remember but she had seen the man in the robe before. When Casey was only six she began to see the man in the robe frequently. On her seventh birthday she told her parents the man was coming to take her. She disappeared hours later. Casey turned up on the lawn a week later with no memory except for the man in the robe had taken her. Casey’s parents over the next few weeks watched her like a hawk hoping she would not attempt to approach the man in the black robe. After a few weeks things went back to normal as Casey told them the man went away. Casey had lied as he did not want her parents worrying about her. Casey finally worked up the nerve to approach the man in the black robe a day before her eleventh birthday. She asked the man, “Why can’t anyone else see you?” To which the man in black replied, “You are special Casey, you have the power to bring someone back to life.”  “Who?” “Me, silly.” “How?” “Come with me and I’ll show you.” Casey went with the man in the black robe on the day of her eleventh birthday and was never seen or heard from again. To this day they say if you ever see the man in the black robe to never go with him. Forget him if you can. Forgetting is the only thing that may save you.


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