Ch .15

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At the Star festival.

Mimi when back to Fuegoleon.

"Hey I am back captain." Mimi said to captain fuegoleon .

He turns around to see Mimi .

"Oh Mimi nice to have you back did you and Willam have a nice chat ." Fuegoleon ask her .

Mimi looks around and seeing the other captains there and she look at Yami then back at her captain.

"Oh yeah a great conversation." She said to him.

Nozel look at her .

"You don't sound like it was a great conversation you stop and think before you answer your captain question." Nozel said to Mimi.

Mimi look at him .

"Nozel stop it she said she had a great conversation she had a great one just because she stop and thinks before she says doesn't matter." Fuegoleon said to him .
"Hmp we'll see she probably knows something about something she just not telling us ." Nozel said to him .
"Just stop it already quit making hills in to mountains ." He told him .

Nozel walks a way .

"I do apologize for him Mimi he can bit over thinker ." Fuegoleon said to Mimi .
"Oh it's ok captain no big deal." She said to him .
"Good to hear ." He said to her .

Yami looks over at her .

"Oh Yami Yeah May I have a word with about Kiki?" Mimi ask him .
"Yeah sure ." He said to her .

Yami and Mimi walk somewhere else to talk .

"Ok kid what is it you want to say ?" Yami ask her .
"Well Yami What happens if you know something about someone and they told you , you can't tell nobody but you ask a person feel bad keeping it from someone you trust or you really love what do you ?, also you made a promise not to tell anybody." She said to him .
"Oh well kid is going hurt someone you trust or love ? He ask her .
"Well I don't know ?" She said to him .

Then just after there was a big boom sound.

"What the hell was that ?" Yami ask her .
"Oh wow that was loud." Mimi said .

Jack the Ripper came running to Yami .

"Yami we need your help there is an attack it that stupid Midnight three eye or something like that is attacking us here ." Jack said to Yami .
"Ah shit come on kid we got good fight." Yami said to Mimi .

They went back found the attack area all the magic knight and their captain are fighting.

"Over here Mimi!." Fuegoleon said to her .

Mimi went over there .

They started fighting.

Rades said his spell .

Fuegoleon destroy his spell .

"No!! Why ?" Rades said to Fuegoleon.

Fuegoleon look at Rades and then Asta run up to Fuegoleon.
"I can take this fool on sir ." Asta said to Fuegoleon.

Fuegoleon looks at Asta and saw his face has a cut on that bleeding out .

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